The BFA World Zone Ability Delay Debacle - 5 Months, 400 Posts And Counting: No Resolution

I am obviously posting here because every person I know has done that 50 times already. You get a walkthrough of the same cookie cutter 10 technical troubleshooting steps and then they say they can’t do anything


IN GAME and you aren’t reading - do this in game - don’t go to tech support.

I have done both. I have submitted bug reports many times. Usually nothing happens and it says thanks for submitting. A few times I know people got a contact back from tech support and it went nowhere

What is your reasonable time period for waiting for a resolution? 5 years?

It is not a latency problem. i don’t have latency. It is the ability hitch you get every 5th or 6th cast and it is very noticeable and annoying if you play a lot. Google search it for 5 minutes and you will see a lot of people posting on this. This is the problem - it is difficult to explain. It is not a latency issue per se


bro its 20-30 ms chill you can barely notice it. I want sriracha almonds now

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I actually don’t believe you have submitted any bug reports with those details in the last month. And of course, you aren’t going to get a response. Are you one of those people who needs a reply ?

And it is a problem with the game - Ion said in the last Q & A these were going to be fixed on a priority basis so just keep trying.


Things are a lot better than what they were even a month ago.

No, they arent.


Look - you are a nice person and just trying to help. It is just nuts how persistent and unfixed this is. Anyway, thanks for trying. And I promise I did submit bug reports and did watch the Q&A

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The discrete thing is open up a bug report and give them details of when it happens - what character, what zone, where you were and what you were doing.

They have had this data for five months.


want to do for the ‘slight’ ability delays in BfA zones.


Try five seconds on vendors, three second cast times, ten seconds loot lag


You are oceanic - OP is NA. When you are playing full time on NA servers you can come on here and tell me it isn’t better.

How do you not know - there were problems with oceanic servers that were different than the problems occurring on NA servers.

You are oceanic - OP is NA. When you are playing full time on NA servers you can come on here and tell me it isn’t better.

Problem is on both server types.

It remains.


How do you not know - there were problems with oceanic servers that were different than the problems occurring on NA servers.

Same problem, read threads.


how odd, I play in world content about 4 hours each day and it doesn’t remain for me except for the very odd time (like once a month).

Anyway, enjoy your lag because I don’t have any.

It’s crazy - I have a cat 7 3gb / 100mb up/down and get 10ms to everything except 30ms in WoW. I have not a spot of packet loss or game issues or ticks or delays in any game or any product, Blizzard or Activision or otherwise except the ability lag in BFA zones. The problem is WoW BFA is 85% of what I play, and 85% of that is spent in BFA world zones. So yah - lots of fun


I never said the problem wasn’t anything but BfA wow. In fact, I said it was a problem with the game itself in certain areas so all that other stuff you keep posting isn’t relevant whatsoever including all the links to stuff back from August which have been fixed back in December patch but whatever.

You seem to be happy saying you are experiencing such problems, so keep it up.

which have been fixed back in December patch but whatever.

No they have NOT.

From five days ago - Lag on US servers.

Since I have no issues playing other games such as FFXIV, watching Netflix or streaming from my own Plex server I’m going to go ahead and say that the problem lays on the Blizzard side, especially since they’ve already admitted it in Blue posts, one of which directly cited Ion stating they’re aware of the issue and are working to resolve it. Many, many people have been having these exact same issues and all of it started when BfA came in to the picture. I appreciate you’re trying to help but I’m pretty darn sure you’re barking down the wrong alley. I’m not going to bother Shaw with this because I’m pretty darn sure swapping out the modem would only result in my having to change all of my log on passwords for my wifi devices.

Just because you dont have a problem doesnt mean one doesnt exist.


It is a problem with the servers and sharding. The videos you have pasted above are irrelevant.

NONE of it is to do with direct x. It isnt fps

It has zero to do with computers.

Its server lag. The problem is at their end.


true aehl ty