The best solution to Holiday drops

Literally just make it so the holiday stuff (quests, dailies, activities, bosses) just give a currency, and put ALL the holiday rewards on a vendor for the currency. Easy as that.

There is literally no reason to have these kinds of FOMO BS 0.1% drop chance for one week things, where everyone is running an army of alts to farm for them, or the Hearthstone one where people are shard/server hopping through the group finder tool to kill the limited time boss multiple times per spawn just for that tiny chance at the thing they want.

And even for holidays that already have currency, like Hallow’s End and Love is in the Air, just put EVERYTHING on the vendors. Including the Headless Horseman’s Steed, Red Love Rocket, drake manuscripts, Arfus, etc.


They are never going to do that for recurring events because it gives them a better return on their investment. By adding a vendor, they would be putting themselves in a position where they are obligated to create new items each year for players to earn…while currently, they can pretty much never add items but players will still collectively spend thousands(?) of hours farming the same holiday event over and over.

Overall, vendors are better for players but are much worse for Blizzard so they are unlikely to ever add them.

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Just repeating it for the people in the back.

There’s no incentive for them to make the change when people are still willing to throw days of their lives at these things every year.

That’s not the best solution. The best solution is what we have now.

By creating the trading post they put themselves in the position that they had to create new items every month and yet they still happily did it to retain players.

Also, holiday events should have a least one new thing every year, but even if they don’t, thats okay. Its okay for people to be done with things. But really, just because the bottom of the barrel exists, doesn’t mean blizz will automatically aim for it. They are just a bit stuck in their ways.

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Yeah, but on the trading post they made sure you could never earn all of the items at one time by limiting currency which still extends the events lifespan with less effort. That system has the same effect but allows for more player agency. However, if they tried that with a holiday event you could expect a similar kind of outrage.

Obviously, I haven’t played EVERY MMO recently. But from my experience, Blizzard is literally the bottom of the barrel when it comes to holidays. All of the MMOs I do play add new holiday items every year and return the items from previous years for players that missed them to earn.


Everyone should just get an in game amazon locker that we can visit after content to get goods. That locker should look more like a vending machine, though.

I don’t know what the perfect solution is but I’d like to see more transparency with drop chance %. “We greatly increased the drop chance of X”
Ok, what was the old % and what is the buffed % chance?

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Or you do this:

The only way to win is not to play! I’ve been ignoring WoW holidays for years and am much happier for it. :upside_down_face:

This is a fair point.

A lot of MMOs do holidays astoundingly better than Blizz… guild wars 2 especially comes to mind. And its too bad. But for me, I see that as all the more reason to ask for better vendors, drop rates and new items.

You never know. Sometimes they really do listen. The time rift vendors were pretty good. :woman_shrugging: