Battle ground blitz

Just trying to help out, but if you think Q drops must equate to intentional Q syncing then I really don’t care to change your mind :slightly_smiling_face:

You’re not helping out you’re repeating the same nonsense thing over and over… if it was just afk or something innocent, raid finder would take forever to get into… but it doesn’t so logically it’s not that. What I am guessing is you are a queue sync person simply here to deny like normal.

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I am a solo q person but even i can say here that ppl dont q sync blitz thats impossible to accurately accomplish.

You are thinking about a pair of people or just a small handful of people. And, eventually they would get MMR split. However, larger communities (like epic BG communities) will have a wide spread of MMRs and can queue sync and then just filter into subchannels depending on who gets in with who.

Some move up. Some move down. But with enough people the chances are high that there will be people in the same community landing in the same BG. If they end up on the same side. Good for them. If they end up on opposite sides then they can troll or engage in match manipulation.

One of the epic BG community leaders has already admitted they try to sync BGB. They had the sadz that they don’t always get people on the same side though. Aw. :frowning:


I’ve dropped queues because I wanted to finish a Hunt. It happens and thats the beauty of a rated solo queue. I can continue playing the game instead of waiting in a raid.

I doubt communities will Q sync this. Its not worth it. Also they are Epic BG communities, they usually focus on that.


You don’t get gem sockets or extra weekly conquest gear doing epic BGs.

I wouldn’t link dropped queues to q-sync attempts (successful ones anyway). If enough people are queueing then dropping queues wouldn’t be necessary anyway. Just let the chips fall as they may.

Will it have a huge impact? I don’t think so. But, it will happen. People just generally suck at being people.


Same conspiracy as ‘‘Win trading’’ in 1600 mmr LMAO.


Having played with RR, they usually do Yolo RBG’s or Arena, they’re not all sweaty communities :stuck_out_tongue: , many players don’t even fill their vault.

Now they’ll definitely do Blitz, and can try to sync again, I know they tried when it first came out and the conclusion was that it is messy and would sort itself out eventually with rating.

I’m not worried at all facing Q-Syncers in Blitz is what I’m trying to say.

Worst that can happen is have all communities around 8PM EST start syncing 100’s of players… but that’s good because we’ll get faster queues XD…


MMR and rating is not what drives large communities to do this.

As I said above, I don’t think it will have a huge impact. I’m just here to clarify that some people will be attempting to do it.

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What would be then?

The same reason they do it in epic BGs. No MMR or special rewards there.

Grouping up for 40 man massacre is different than sniping Blitz queues… Or am I missing something?

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If a large premade community is doing this, it doesn’t matter if their MMRs spread apart. There will always be groups of people around the same MMR except maybe at the extremely high or extremely low ends.

As for what happens if they’re on opposite teams, that’s up to them. Maybe they just go at it. Maybe they let the side with more members win. Maybe they let their premade community’s leader win. Maybe they let the member who hasn’t gotten their daily/weekly win yet win. Etc.

Take a look at the state of epic bgs during prime time. It’s not good for pugs. They’re frequently going against premade raids. Games are starting with one team half empty. Fewer pugs queue up and the remaining players run into premade raids even more frequently.

It won’t be good if premade communities take over battleground blitz in a similar fashion. Players want fair games, not rigged games.


Yeah, nobody has to worry about epic communites taking over Blitz. :rofl:

yes, because they just magically get up to high ranking then start to win trade…

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the good news is they wont . it would be impossible. ive qued many blitz the past two days i have not seen not one qyncer in them yet . yall gettin riled up over nothing tbh .



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Those people aren’t going to get high rating. They might ruin a few BGBs here and there at low to mid rating, but it shouldn’t be common - so, I don’t think they will take it over or anything close to that.

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Thaedreu heard a conspiracy theory and came running? Shocking

Why do people still reply to him expecting an intelligent conversation lol