The best Alliance Class/race combo what is it?

Is it Gnome Priests? is it Night elf mages? Is it Blond Human Male Paladin? Is It a female Draenei with the only curly hair option I Could find for some reason? Let me know your opinions on the matter, so that I can get a taste of being the Hu-I mean, Good faction for once.


If I were forced to only have one character, it would be a Night Elf Druid. Tanking, ranged dps, melee dps, and healing. All while having a wanna-be vanish as well.

If we were just talking about the race/class combos one likes, I’d probably rank my Draenei Shaman my favorite.

It is female gnome warrior and turn off error speech or that rather quickly becomes the most annoying class/race combo :smiley:

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“And this is where I’d put my Gnome Paladin…IF I HAD ONE!”


It’s dwarven shaman. You’re welcome

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Worgen Hunter with 2 pet Wolves and a Wolf battle pet companion.

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Night Elf Death Knights.

Mechagnome Hunter of course!

Mechagon Prevails! :gear:

Human/Dranei paladin seems the most fitting for Alliance.
Dwarf hunter, Human mage etc…basically the races in wow trailers.

If people who don’t play wow saw Anduin in BFA trailer they would think he’s a paladin.

Human hunter - I forgot they came out in Cataclysm so when classic came out, I was so disappointed they weren’t there.

If someone twisted my arm behind my back and was like “YOU CAN ONLY HAVE ONE TOON EVER AGAIN”, right now it’d be female dwarf monk.

Flexibility, decent in PvP, animations are decent, tanking is… All right, and it it amuses people when I roll up (pun fully intended). Plus, being a short, burly drunk woman who punches dragons in the face and protects all the big guys is a decent power fantasy.


Night Elf Druid or Hunter

Night Elf hunter!

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I like Night Elf druid, Shadowmeld and Travel form are a very nice combination to have and I like how they look

MHP and FNED are the most generic and boring you can get out of the Alliance, enjoy.

literally anything but Human Paladin

To be fair, the first Paladins on Azeroth were formed from warriors and clergy. Feels right for the priest boy who picked up his father’s sword, who was a warrior, to start appearing as a paladin.

“With Lothar’s consent, Alonsus Faol and Uther recruited noble knights and members of the priesthood from Lordaeron” ~

anything vulpera /thread

If I could only have one ally character I’d say nelf monk (for the role versatility) or hunter (as an eternal hunter main)