The Battleground Clan recruitment thread

Josh is the danger though.

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Grobbulus looks to be doing quite well with horde to alliance ratios and one of the most balanced servers. I don’t know of the integrity of these stats since they are using an addon that scans the /who over and over but it at least gives you something to look at.

Just fix the latency.

Us purists cringe at 70ms.

I was messing around on an east coast server with 38ms and I couldnt tell a difference between it and the 100 ms on grob. I think some of that has to do with spell batching. I see priests on grob dot a mob but I can wand after it and steal the tag from them. (I get competitive if they decline group invites)

There has to be very specific things to make it noticeable. For me, I will tag a mob seemingly a split second before someone else but it gets tapped to them. On Skeram, that does not happen.

It’s not a deal breaker but a slight annoyance. If you were a retro gamer at all, I could tell you how far I go for that lower latency :stuck_out_tongue:

Walking people off of the boat from ratchet to bb as close to the teleport as possible has got to be my most favorite thing in this game.

Afking in shadowmeld just riding the boat back and forth waiting for horde brings out my inner evil self.

One tauren not pvp tagged /rude me as I walked his friend off. You should’ve seen them skipping together out the pier toward the boat. He didn’t realize that once we get to the BB side he’s in contested territory and auto flags. Then my solid state drive loading screen is near instant so I am 3/4 through a mc cast before he even starts moving. I hope he enjoyed his long swim to BB.


Wow. I played more S. Priest in vanilla than I care to admit and I never once thought about doing that. Well played, sir.

Jug, Asmon is famous!


Thank you. I think I have found my calling.

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You are so evil!

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Speaking of evil, spent 2 and a half hours in Gnomer last night. Whoever made that dungeon was also evil.

Gnomer is easily my least favorite dungeon so far.

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Had 5 quests too. Turned in 4 and only got a level from it. And I got a quest to go back there :joy:

Did you drop it like it’s hot?

:joy::joy: still in my quest log. I will tonight when I log on! And the kicker is our tank was doing it for fun but he was good.

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What? lol. Where do you find these people??

Literally… logged on, asked guild if anyone wants to run. Helena did so I invited. Asked in trade for tank/healer/dps… in seconds I had 7 whispers! Was so crazy fast. Thank god too because we didn’t finish until almost 2 am :sweat_smile:

sheesh lol.

I tell Murica every night on there, if you want to run a dungeon we have to be in a group before 9 cst or I’m not doing it.

It does seem like grouping goes rather instant right now. At least within a few minutes to fill. The leader of our zf group was saying the same thing how she got a full group within a couple seconds of the first LFM post in chat.

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I was a bit nervous too because I never saw LFM for Gnomer, so I thought maybe no one ever ran it. As for time, never did I think I’d be in a dungeon for that long. DM and Stocks were both under an hour and done.

They weren’t too bad. DM was surprisingly shorter than I remember. SM was all very short too. People know how to skip 70% of the courtyard in cath now which I think is silly since it seems like an xp haven. I may or may not have butt pulled some mobs on ‘accident’. All the tanks want to run Armory for the Herod warrior gear. ZF lasted right under an hour. We are trying to save Mara for this weekend since that’s one of the longer instances.

I remember every instance taking several hours back in the day. 15 yrs of game knowledge really helps.

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Too bad I’m not up there with you. Nothing like doing an long dungeon only to fight a flatulating princess at the end.

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