I am a diehard Worgen fan; love the music, the questing, the start zone, the toons…everything about them.
So uh…what in the world happened to the best quest in the entire starting zone?
Here’s my story. If you loved that quest, prepare to be disappointed.
I was excited. The one quest I never want to skip over, I wait for Liam to give his speech. These Gilnea Militia followers suddenly surround me…alright, that’s new. We charge into the city…
You phase into a scenery battle. The citizens are fighting the Forsaken, and NOTHING IS HAPPENING! No damage is being done whatsoever, it’s a permanent stalemate. Your rapier doesn’t make the citizens stronger, they still do 0 damage.
Now, you and your follower militia people can attack Forsaken…but they just respawn after a bit. You have to hit one before your followers will attack. This is a bit annoying without AOE. Also pointless.
It was around this time that I noticed my quest goal is to kill Gorerot. That’s weird. I run ahead, nobody attacking me, and Lorna appears shoving some cannons forward. I should mention, Liam’s nowhere to be found. There’s no Abominations to shoot any more, just some Dark Rangers. Not even worth it.
So you run through them after one or 2 shots, utterly pointless as they are, and find Gorerot past the non-battles occurring all over. Engage him, and eventually Crowley and his Worgen run in to attack. It’s pointless, so you get a Catapult. Annoyingly, you get a LOT of threat, and the Catapult doesn’t like shooting closer, so you keep backing up.
Finally kill him…it’s anticlimactic. You phase again. You just kinda…have to assume you run to the next area, through more scenery battle things. There’s a few Forsaken that DO attack you, but your militia overwhelms them…the Rapier is 100% BEYOND pointless by the way, makes no difference with how the quest plays out now.
You find Sylvanas chilling there with her banshees, you kill them I guess? Then go after her…and THEN Genn and Liam run in. You pretty much obliterate her, so the two of them go to hit her and immediately the final scene plays out.
Then it phases again. The fighting, alive Forsaken vanish, the militia vanish, it’s…
Absolutely depressingly disappointing.
Oh, and I did quit the quest just to see if maybe I bugged it out or something. Nope, but the city bugged out when I did it! I ran through to the Merchant Square, found the class trainers running around, standing, vanishing, or vaulting random obstacles as they went in straight lines. Villagers were cowering everywhere, Guards at the gates keeping people in. Liam was there giving his beginning speech to his troops IN the city, as I stared out of the city as Liam getting ready to charge and giving a speech OUTSIDE the city.
Please, PLEASE Blizzard…tell me this is a temporary hotfix, a band-aid, and that the quest will be returning in its full glory.
I want to reclaim my city. To mourn for the lost Prince. Not…whatever THAT was.
Thank you for your time reading this.
I know it sounds silly, but…my favorite quest of all has been butchered by a patch that supposedly made my favorite race even better.
I don’t want it to remain like this