The bank is being used by another member of your Warband

Uh, no it’s not? This sure is a nice introduction to the big new feature, it not working.

There was a blue post about it. There’s a bug so it’s disabled at the moment.


Kind of a creepy message if you think about it. :open_mouth:

It’s been out for less than a day and already our alts are logging on without our permission and scoping out the bank lootz.


Currently the tab to access the warbank has been removed anyway. Who knows when it will reappear.

I always new my little guys were running around doing their own thing when I wasn’t looking! It’s just like Toy Story!


Perhaps you have a doppelgänger?

That would be weird.

Someone robbed the bank.
I blame the rogues.

it’s not turned on yet.

I can’t see my bank at all. But Guild bank is viewable. Could be my addon but it’s prolly the warband thing. Oh well. Was gonna try to clean up for the xpac but not yet, I guess.

I actually got to watch a GM taking things from my bank/guild bank once, like while i was actually online on another character, they even said something about not needing to be alarmed, that they were a GM and just removing some forbidden items lol

(In the lead up to Cata, some friends and i discovered that fishing in certain areas allowed you to fish up Cata fish and motes, i had stacks and stacks waiting to help me power level my cooking)


Isn’t it wild that GMs can just do anything? I got stuck in the corner of a house once in the death knight starting zone years ago. Couldn’t leave combat. Closing the game and opening wouldn’t help. It was a mess. They whispered me and I watched my knight just get plucked like he was as light as a feather and dropped to safety. I do miss how interactive GMs used to be, honestly.


I think we all do, the current setup where they just send us down an endless loop of self help articles until we fix our own issue or give up is awful.