The <AXIS> story

I really don’t get it. So many people in this thread have told you that a much better bow drops in MC, and it’s one of the two most common drops in the entire raid. You are either super selfish, clueless, or trolling. How many people have to tell you that you’re wrong?

I have to assume you have not read the entirety of this thread. No problem. Words are not for the uncouth or uneducated.

what are you doing… the more hunters with strikers mark and the less rogues with brutality blade, the better it is for us.

ahahaha, I guess you are right

I had a Strikers Mark in Vanilla. Back then bows were for hunters period and no one understood anything about itemization. The black sinew for the Rhok took my Vanilla guild 3 months to drop for our first hunter and it took me 4 months to get, so having the Strikers Mark wasn’t the worst thing ever.

With that being said, everyone here is saying the bow sucks so you don’t really need to keep calling this guild out for not giving it to you.

Man that’s a lot of drama for not getting a crappy bow for hunters.

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I know right? I just wanted to leave <AXIS> quietly and respectfully to find a guild that would support my wishes, but the drama seekers in <AXIS> sure did make it into something that motivated me to warn others. Imagine how drama sick that guild must be daily for this to happen.

I mean, potato is in his name after all… at least he’s honest.


Any respectful guild would’ve done the same thing as AXIS. You’re being greedy. You can get the bow from Majordomo while the other classes can’t. Get over yourself.


Okomopotato doesn’t understand how to play WoW, socially or mechanically.

It’s obvious to see his social failures just by this thread alone.

Mechanics: you just have to check warcraft logs and see he has an overall avg of 6% rating.

Here’s the link if you’re interested (btw: these parses are with rhok’delar):

Your post may have been to smear AXIS, but it is just smearing you.


As a recent recruit to AXIS, I can assure you that these guys are pretty cool, and when I asked them about this complete and utter Huntard, many remembered her, and said that she was complete garbage for the one raid she was in, so if you’re looking for a guild, I would take this greedy Huntard’s baseless whining with a grain of salt.

Weren’t you in bag space not so long ago?

Yeah, but I kind of shot myself in the foot there, due to a misunderstanding regarding bindings. A mistake which I do not intend to repeat here.

Last post December 2019… You post in here two days ago and revive a dead thread. Why? Maybe the misunderstanding with Bag Space was you expecting them to give bindings to special needs.

Ah, a poster from Malodorous Morons, I see. Nothing to see here.

I would normally let this go. After all, your out, thank god, and this thread is not about you, even though you are doing everything possible to make it about you. Approaching a guild is like approaching a job or a career. I am sorry that does not resonate with you. You are bringing something to that guild, that team, that they need just like an employer is paying you a salary and hiring you in the first place because you have something they need.

We did not need a Paladin tank at the moment. There might have been an opportunity to get you in as a Paladin tank, and the guild master of Malicious Moogles knows that I support not only our two ret paladins but the concept of a Paladin tank.

However this was not good enough for you. You came to these forums to insult the raid leader, who is getting the job done and ensuring we cleared BWL because he would not let you tank. Its quite possible he did not let you tank, as you were not needed to fill that role.

Many people take Entry-Level positions and prove their value to an organization. Through that value proof they are given additional opportunities. Did you prove your value or play the special snowflake card?

I hope you can prove value to A X I S and they allow you to tank. That would require you to learn the lessons on why you’re with your, is it 4th or 5th guild in 2 months.

TLDR: Do not even attempt to insult my guild and the people in it.


Guess. Yep. A year later a few fools from <AXIS> were in the same MC. I did not need anything, but did softres a Band of Accuria. Maybe it will fit into a PvP or solo elite farming build. I went to support random others (alts probably) who still need MC drops.

So, the reason I say those few members or ex-members of <AXIS> were fools is because they linked this year old thread in another guild’s Discord channel as proof of a half-truth story they told about the matter discussed in this thread. Imagine being in a guild whose biggest drama is someone who left guild after one day and one pug MC guild hosted run. Imagine these fools thinking they were part of a 1337 guild in phase one of the original release of Classic WoW when their officers thought Rhok’delar with +8 hit was better than Striker’s Mark with +9 hit. Imagine not being able to do math, and just parroting what some dork kid said fifteen years ago, as if it stands as unquestionable truth.

This thread is long enough. I’m not going to rehash this, but since these angry clowns wanted to bring this back up with coy lies about events and a link to this thread, I feel that an important message about the human condition ought to be stated.

Mental illness takes many forms. We do not always know who is suffering from mental illness.

You might be wondering how narcissism, sociopathy, and psychopathy appear and culminate in World of Warcraft or other similar games or social content? The narcissists (narcs for short) act as recruiters and organization organizers, because narcs amplify their personally perceived power with group action. Narcs obsess about a jaded perspective of “freedom,” so normal pathos people wouldn’t understand it. The plight of freedom for narcs is a constant inner vigil to identify enemies - threats to their social bubble of protection wherein they can feed a self identity of importance. Thereby is why sociopaths join these groups. Sociopaths gravitate toward the negative energy given by narcs and their community of (sometimes unwitting) followers. Sociopaths desperately need social approval for the evil they desire to promulgate, but do not want to be disaffected by it or others’ evil. The narcs’s carefully crafted hierarchical group provides space for evil ideas to burgeon, and the belief in the correctness of the evil idea is the thing that incites sociopaths to act duly. Psychopaths are less likely to join narc built groups, because there is distrust of exposure on both sides of that relationship, but savvy psychopaths will dawn an acceptable cloak to lay in the cut in narc groups to also feed on the negative energy.

I am not saying that <AXIS> is entirely narcs, socios, and psychos. Again, kind and unwitting people too easily overlook or tolerate a “brood of vipers.” I cannot say any specific person in <AXIS> is one of those detestable pathos, because I am not certified to do so. What I am saying is that the behavior I have experienced with <AXIS> members aligns perfectly with behavior of a narc constructed group. Which also happens to be groups wherein bigots like to hang out to test their hate inspired words.

If you join <AXIS>, don’t say you weren’t warned. Enter that guild at your own risk. If you find <AXIS> members or ex-members in your raid, and they start bad mouthing someone, you know what to do.

I stopped reading after you said that Striker’s Mark was better for Hunters than Rhok.