The Award for Best Ongoing Game Goes to

My mental abilities are fine and the fact you have to resort to insults shows me your mental abilities are that of the typical 10 year old cod player.

Choosing to play wow over ff and vice versa is not addiction. It’s personal preference.

A lot of people got stuck on the Korthia unlock quest in Ardenweald when it bugged and became uncompletable. The lag was horrendous.

FFXIV has… queues. No lag really to speak of. No bugged quests. Just queues, during early access and release. Which I’m not sure why this is a surprise, because it happens to everyone.


No, they are quite addled.

Your opinion of my mental abilities are as inconsequential as you are to me.

Choosing to play WoW over going to a family gathering, enjoying your spouses company, completing real life obligations, etc, is an addiction.

Like I have said: Google WoW addiction. I know you won’t because you also suffer from Dunning Krueger syndrome. You don’t want to be wrong. You’re happy believing that you’re right because it aligns with what you want to believe. You think you’re more knowledgeable than everyone else. I don’t have time to waste on you anymore. Have yourself a good night.

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No one mentioned family gatherings. That other poster mentioned preferring wow over ff despite playing both and liking both. You accused them of having stockholm syndrome which is not the case.

You can assume all you want about my mental abilities but I dont care what some random nobody online claims.

Never once claimed to know more bud. But do continue making assumptions about things you know nothing about.

Well deserved but terrible timing for an award given the ongoing server issues they’re still having one week after early access, where people with normal lives can’t even login and had to be given 7 days of subscription time as compensation. (And will probably get more.)

I really hope SE use this public humiliation to finally implement overflow servers like Guild Wars 2 had at launch. You know, the 10 years old MMO that has never seen a single queue thanks to this technology.

(Also would have spared New World having to create a ton of extra new server just to see them die when the population stabilizes.)

I know when you quit others will ask for your gold, meaning the sum of the account, while also trying to be clever.

Not me. I’m gonna ask for JUST Divien gold, keep your account total. Just wanna be able to say, ‘Divien be divvying it up with me before quitting’.

Your legend will be assured. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Was this for 7 straight days? I feel like this is the key aspect you all are missing.

Modern Blizzard fixes these issues pretty rapidly.

I know people want to hate on Blizzard and forgive Squeenix for any little thing, but the technical side of things is where Blizzard actually excels quite a bit.

Great game and Endwalker is fantastic. Good for them.

I still prefer WoW combat and aesthetics


That is so gross. You’re a sick man.

nobody i know cares about them. nobody i know watched them. i haven’t seen anybody talking about them except in this thread.

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I’ve been able to play pretty much every night in FFXIV for the last week, so… I’d personally take sitting in queue and then actually having an enjoyable, functioning experience once I’m in game over a completely unplayable experience in-game.

(I like both games, btw. Just saying people are WAY overreacting to the queue issue with FFXIV.)

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No… No man! Stop! What even are the game awards??? Does anyone even watch those??? WoW is in a great state right now, we definitely have the best ongoing game right here man huffs copium


Activ-Blizz wasnt even invited… Think you know why they weren’t

No cubicles to crawl around under?

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I agree, people are really overreacting to the queues in FF14. I play on a very full server (on purpose) and expected queues, however, they haven’t been terrible, I get things done while I’m waiting (often in WoW), and the best part is I have never experienced any of the terrible lag that WoW tends to have.

I hope the developers of this game get their act together. I’ve loved this game since I started playing all those years ago, and I want to continue playing it.

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What is gross about it? Do you even understand what it is?

Yeah, I do. And it was totally inappropriate. You do know little kids read the forum, right?

Then you clearly don’t know the definition of the syndrome and it’s uses.

I stopped watching award shows when Jerhro Tull won the Grammy for Best Heavy Metal album instead of Metallica the year the award was 1st added.:neutral_face:

I tend to picture the awards shows in regards to music and film the same way i picture american idol, which ironically is how american idol is.

The winner never makes it and the loser always goes on to bigger and better things.