The Award for Best Ongoing Game Goes to

that was probably an attorney decision, not a production decision

People keep saying this nonsense, but when was the last time the game was unplayable if you tried to log in during the evening in WoW?

I’m not talking like WoD bad back when you could log in, but the servers were basically broken. Casual working stiffs literally cannot play FF14 right now because of how long queues are.

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what a sad and useless company.


there were a couple days when people on the biggest few servers had long login queues when SL launched. i had no trouble at all on my “high” pop server and no part of the leveling process was unplayable.

but we all know there are people here who think even 10 minutes of downtime for rolling restarts is completely unacceptable

Why was the op flagged? Are people really that petty? Wait this is the wow community of course they are.


Blizzard should probably sell some of their servers to Sqenix. God knows they aren’t using them.


I have no idea what you’re referring to? I haven’t watched them this year. :woman_shrugging:t4:

Well, the OP seemed a little bit trollish. Personally, I’m ok with the thread, but I guess others weren’t.

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It doesn’t matter whose decision it was. It demonstrated the ongoing contempt towards their customer base. As a PR move, it was a bad one. Instead, they should have actively engaged with the player base and let them know that they are trying to fix the bug.

And the game makers not only acknowledged the long queues but gave game time to everyone in return. When my friends and I started playing FF14 recently, chose a full server even though we knew that there were going to be long queues when the xpac dropped, and yes there are, but I’ve been able to play every night this week, even with queues as deep as 10k people.

As for WoW being unplayable, have you forgotten about when 9.1 came out? The lag, the DCs… did I mention the lag? Especially in Korthia… uggh! There were times the only thing to do was to just log off.


Was he? I honestly couldn’t tell. I figured he was just giving praise where praise was due.


You know what. I just re-read his OP. It doesn’t seem really trollish to me either. A lot of people around here are just little babies. They use the flag system the same as a dislike button.


Thats the wow community for you. You either tote the line they created or you’re apparently a troll that must be silenced.


I play both. So, whatever. So are we going to start with the “they paid someone
so they could win” posts now? You know a lot of people would be on here saying
that if WoW had won.

Yep. There are a lot of people like that around here. Although, I will say this one thing in their defense. There is a lot of trolling that goes on here though.

None of this has anything to do with my response.

You implied Blizzard wouldn’t do this stuff, when they actually did in the past. People with your mindset like to throw out “can you imagine Blizzard ever doing this?” I literally can’t imagine Blizzard ever finding themselves in a situation where people literally can’t log into the game going on a week now.

No, I don’t remember this at all. Even if there were some annoyances, at least you could log in and play. I was able to grind Korthia hard starting from day 1.

Oh that much i know. Seen enough threads by a certain void elf hunter who shall not be named.

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Hell, I do a good bit of trolling here too. However, my trolling is just silly off topic stuff and not incendiary.

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I only heard about him but I heard Ralph was a great troll.

I’m not sure Ralph wasn’t a performance art project. When it reaches the point where you keep asking yourself, “Is this guy for real?”, you have to consider that the answer may be “No”.

I saw him posting on wowhead for a while. Then I didn’t see him, but I don’t follow discussions there much. Somebody said he was still posting in trade chat on his realm. I happen to have a character there (who spends next to no time in cities), but haven’t seen him, so I really have no idea if he still plays.

If he is still playing id be surprised. What realm was he? I’m curious