The AV Choice

Classic is launching without raids beyond MC or Ony. So already it’s not a straight 1.12 experience.

I don’t think it’s particularly likely they can restore an earlier version of AV…but it’s possible, until they say it’s not. My hope is that they see the desire for it, and put in some extra work to make it happen.

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To be honest if they’ve kept a 1.12 backup all these years then I’d generally expect that they have one for each major patch in Vanilla at the very least.

I’ve seen weirder things to be sure, but I don’t see Blizzard keeping just one backup and deleting all the others.

Only time will tell my friend.

considering they already made it somewhat clear they’ll have the 16 debuff slot and not the 6 or 8 I doubt we’ll see older AV.

Personally I’d prefer only iterations of AV as the 1.12 was a faceroll style making everyone disliking it but because reverting it to older style still had the draw back of a longer BG then they wanted, they can’t do much about it.

WoW changed a lot in the two years between launch and Burning Crusade .

A good example is U.B.E.R.S. — is a dungeon that had a 10-person version and a 5-person version. At some point in development, we dropped the 10-person version. Was that the right decision? Do they want a 10-person version? Do they want a 5-person version? Those are the types of things [we’re figuring out].

The logic to discuss different versions for AV follows suit with the logic Blizzard has set forth.

Correct, I meant to say maybe and it seems I left that part out. So you admit you were assuming, we are making some progress here.

You straight up said 1.12 was made because people wanted easy loot, are you really suggesting it is a stretch to say you were assuming people want 1.12 because of easy loot? Even reading that out loud makes me scratch my head.

That’s not logical. That is called biased. Logical is the decision that makes the most sense. Think about that for just a second.

Says who exactly? This is your bias opinion creeping in again. With the platform in mind you have to use logical thinking to realize what the most rational answer is. Sure you are still allowed to have an opinion that differs from this, like for example I would honestly prefer old talents at the start.

Does that mean I am going to be arrogant enough to say “They should have the old talents in classic WoW at the start and everyone who doesn’t like it shouldn’t play it!”… no… I can use my head and realize that probably isn’t whats going to happen so if I were to make that argument for old talents it would sound something more like “I prefer old talents because…”.

Once again I am not bashing your opinion. I am bashing the way you stated your “argument”, a very feeble minded one.

Not at all. I just see something stupid post on the forums. So I call it out as being stupid. That’s it.

I’ll try to spell it out clearly since you keep missing my point: Between 1.5 and 1.12 AV there is no one that makes more sense than the other from a purely objective standpoint.

Which given that there is no objective measurement to go on, the logical conclusion is to use a subjective one.

Which ANY subjective thing has my bias in it. It’s completely inescapable.

Says Blizzard because they asked us on our opinion on these sorts of things. I already said this, do try to keep up =P

What you’re doing is nitpicking one line of a post and not my actual argument.

My actual argument was about people who want 1.12 AV for the purposes of fast rewards and just getting it over with as quickly as possible because they don’t like the BG.

I’m not sure if you’re doing it intentionally to feel superior to us feeble minded individuals or because you genuinely just didn’t understand my post, but I assure you: The thing you’re bashing was not actually my argument.

1.12 as a foundation

Which version of AV makes the most sense?

That aside, I am not really worried about your actual stance on the argument but that arrogance of “They should do as I want and if you don’t like it don’t play it” is really what leads me to believe you have no sense of logic.

So I will really make this short for you from how I see you write.

1.12 in the foundation of classic

Most of the things confirmed, are 1.12 features

You say they should go with something that isn’t 1.12 and people just shouldn’t play it if they don’t like it.

You really don’t understand how dumb this sounds? No? Oh, okay.

Well now you’re just assuming that’s what that means again =P please try to keep up

You need me to post your original post again to show you that you have no real argument? Or do you want to do it yourself and save yourself of the embarrassment. Either is fine with me.


Wait… You JUST got done saying that ISN’T what you said…

You truly are the most simple minded person I have met on the forums in the last couples weeks. grats!

You never had an argument. You had a- “IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT MY WAY THEN DON’T PLAY IT”.

Unless… you think that’s an argument.

[citation needed]

I guess 2 out of 3 BGs being over quickly was not enough. :roll_eyes:

The mass amount of people playing were not attracted to raids, either.

Ugh, you are missing the point. If after 10+ years you decide to unearth a game due to popular demand, would you really want to simply make it nearly identical to something people are already getting elsewhere for free? Or would you make the extra effort to make it memorable, and something that sits apart?

Turtle matches were no more in one version than another.

It did a lot less of that by 1.12, the bulk of the armies simply riding past each other in the field of strife with not a speedbump to be found along the way.

Highly unlikely given just how anal retentive Data center backups actually are. The level of detail that data center guys go into is borderline hording. Most of them keep not only the on-site and off-site backups but also secondary on-site backups…

The only place where that’s a little different is in high security situations where data is not only double back up, but it’s also stored under lock and key under high security.

You don’t seem to understand. Blizzard asked us which version we want.

When I say that I mean it literally. This is not my random interpretation of what they said.

They literally asked us for our opinion on which version of things like dungeons, battlegrounds, and graphics they should use. Yes, they even asked us if they should use modern graphics in Classic.

If you still think I’m being arrogant or assuming what they meant then I’m sorry but I don’t actually know how to make it simpler a concept to grasp than this.

Hey you’re the one who can’t understand that saying “people who want 1.12 AV for the purposes of fast rewards” is different from suggesting that everybody who wants 1.12 AV wants it for that reason.

I’ve never tried to suggest that everybody who wants AV 1.12 wants it because they want easy rewards. If you think my original point was that then I suggest you apply some of your vaunted logic to reading comprehension =P

and if that doesn’t work then again I’m sorry but like I said above, at this point I’m really not sure how to make it any simpler a concept for you.

Once again: 2 out of the 3 existing vanilla BGs were fast, quickly over with and quickly requeued for. Taking away the only one that had such varied depth, quality, immersion, was a bad decision.

Again, they did not nerf raids in vanilla in order to make more people happy because they’d be quicker, they should have left the one raid-like BG alone.

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They’re not they’re making it 1.12 which isn’t something else we can get anywhere else from a legitimate source. At this point it seems blizzard has made it very clear they’re not going with a frankenpatch so you won’t be getting for pre 1.12 changes like AV and other people won’t be getting post 1.12 changes like better class balance.

In the end isn’t this what you wanted an exact recreation of vanilla?

I do chuckle that he made a point to spell out U. B. E. R. S. as it he really did not know what it stood for.

Would you attempt to make the argument that quicker loot was not a motivating factor of the majority of those who prefer 1.12?

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I think that there are reasons for using both 1.5 and 1.12 AV.

Your argument could be said of piracy of video games in general. Why should I pay for the latest AAA games when I can get them elsewhere for free? The thing is that a lot of people are actually willing to pay for something that’s the same if you do a good job with it.

Blizzard is also, in part at least, trying to court the private server crowd with Classic right now. The many people who claimed “I would pay Blizzard for a Classic WoW if they made it”.

Personally I prefer 1.5 AV so I hope they use that naturally, but I can see some sense is trying to entice the private server crowd over to Classic too.

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They have made nothing whatsoever “very clear”. Ease off the absurdity.

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Every post they’ve made discussing balancing and game play points straight at 1.12.

Should be easy for you to cite them all then, yes?

Great point. I was lucky to be on Nightfall, we’d only have like 5 afkers on ally, 10 to 15 on Horde. (I played both factions.) Other battlegroups I saw could have 30 afkers on one side, and only 5-10 on others.

Easier than you citing all the posts stating they’re looking at recreating anything other than 1.12.