The August 2nd Release of S4 is a gut punch for any guild still progressing M-Sepulcher

Mythic raiders are so fragile lol.

I don’t find it reasonable to accuse the OP for posting on an alt.

Many top guilds can be really strict, and babbling publicly can easily get you kicked out of the guild you worked so hard to get in.

William S. Gosset, one of the greatest statistician of all times, was smart enough to publish all his findings in pseudonym “Student” while he was employed by Guinness. Some of his colleagues weren’t so smart, and were booted and lost their jobs for talking too much in the public.

Any demands that Mr. “Student” should disclose his true name (before retiring from Guinness) can be safely ignored, because such demands are not adding value to the discussion, but rather seeking to bring troubles to the author personally.

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Ya is unfortunate, mee snd my guild were hoping too get it but ehh oh welll. Get as far as we can before its gone.

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imagine NOT even raiding mythic and being condescending towards people who can’t complete mythic raids.

Is your IQ like -40?

Maybe if you could do better then a 4% jailer parse your guild will not take so long to kill things lol. Whats it like to get hard carried like that?

Also like I said, look at how fragile you are, I never was condescending, simply pointed out new content was needed and you had a mental breakdown about it.

Imagine posting on alt thinking you are relevant. Shoo you’re irrelevant.

Imagine thinking your relevant because you play wow lol.

The DH here may not be using the kindest approach to share his thoughts, but I agree with him. I understand that the raid has been difficult, but that cannot be changed now. On the flip side I have heard arguments made that the difficulty should remain this way. Even proposals that the best gear should come from
Heroic and only Titles and cosmetics should be rewarded for mythic in order to separate the best players from the casual ones separating players only by skill and making sure that all gear is accessible to most players. I don’t raid so I don’t have a dog in this I just thought it was an interesting perspective.

Quite frankly, if you can’t kill a mythic end boss in 8 months time, how “cutting edge” are you really? If it’s the content that you want to finish, and not the achievement, then try it again with the next tiers gear. Apparently it’s been nerfed to the ground over and over again already. As much as you may want the achievement at all costs, I can’t imagine that participation trophies will keep
People interested.

We’ve had 5 months for Sepulcher, not 8. We all THOUGHT we’d be getting 8 months considering a) CN/SoD and b) Sepulcher difficulty.

Also that’s irrelevant because guilds don’t raid the same amount of hours per week. A guild that raids 12 hours/week gets double the pull count of a guild that only raids 6.

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your replies indicate that your IQ is indeed sub 20, I shall be the bigger man.

Fair enough, but your kind of saying it yourself here… some guilds don’t put in the same amount of time and effort as others and therefore don’t get rewarded the same. It’s the nature of the beast is it not? It’s a strange angle for a complaint. If you can’t be hardcore that’s cool too. I can’t raid because I can’t dedicate the time, so I can’t get the achievement. I can’t get 285 tier or weapons. That’s how the game is designed, and im aware of that. I’m also aware that I’m not entitled to any of those things without putting in the time and effort that others have done to get them. Im content with that. If you can’t raid a lot, or guild mates have real life responsibilities that keep them from playing as much as other guilds then that will reflect your end result.

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I’m with you on this. Mythic is the career raider tier. People who raid it like they’re being paid for it(in some cases they are). I’m content with doing heroic in the snail pace we did and also understand mythic is out of my reach.

There’s a few concepts you’re conflating.

First, guilds that raid for a shorter amount of time aren’t necessarily putting in less effort; while they may all be online and in the raid for X hours, during the time they’re not raiding they’re still able to put in effort that will contribute to raid time, e.g. strategising, looking up alternate strats, theorycrafting, if not things like seeking out upgrades in alternative modes, etc. Their actual time in raid might just be much more “organised” and “hardcore” than a guild that is ostensibly raiding for a longer period of time.

Second, a guild that raids less time than another guild can still straight up be better than a guild that is “progressing faster” by virtue of throwing more bodies/time at the raid. It does do a disservice to imply that time is the main relevant factor, and if you can’t put in X time, you might as well not even bother. That’s usually the point of raid tiers being a certain length; it should allow the people who are good, but raid less to have the appropriate time to finish the raid. In a case like this where the time has been shortened significantly, and the raid itself was admittedly (from Blizzard’s angle) overtuned, that’s not a factor of how “the game was designed” or players’ “entitlement” or “not being committed enough”.

Lastly, and connecting to that, changing the goalposts makes the insinuation that someone might not be hardcore enough, or “cutting edge” enough a bit more ludicrous. On that side, even Blizzard is coming out and saying that completion is much lower this tier than any previous tier. Even after nerfing/gutting bosses (as recently as just now), it is going to take SOME time for guilds especially on limited time to actually pull/kill those nerfed bosses, it’s not logical to expect bosses have been merged, therefore a guild can just NOW dump 20+ hours to make a shortened arbitrary timeframe*. If a guild can have maintained a specific schedule and gotten Cutting Edge in any other raid tier (and potentially actually has - since guilds have been getting Cutting Edge with 2-night, or 3-night schedules for a long time now), they’ve certainly already proven they can be good enough to rise to the meaningful challenge. Changing the rules/timeframe by now shunking off a bunch of time, while you’re still doing nerfs (and by extension admitting overtuning), and then casting doubt on their ability/effort is at best questionable, if not patently unreasonable.

*Unless they’ve basically made them oneshots that a guild who was on Anduin before can pretty much break through to Jailer in a few hours this week, I guess.

You’re missing the entire point of this thread.

We have 2 less months to complete a raid that was more difficult and with one more boss than the 2 previous raids.

That’s what my guild is mostly upset about. We planned our schedule around the previous 2 raids of this expansion. We got CE in both Nathria and SoD, at 3-4 weeks before it ended (maybe more? I have 5 mythic Sylvanas kills and we might have skipped a week there as well), and would most likely have gotten it in Sepulcher if they kept a similar schedule.

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While SotFO could stand to be a little longer, CN and SoD lengths were NOT normal and shouldn’t be used as a starting point.

They were significantly longer than the 4.5-5.5 month raid tier length that normally happens.

bleeding edge of progression is unstable. that’s why others don’t get there ever. It’s hard to operate even in optimal conditions when you’re that high elite.