| The Ashen Court | Midsummer Fire Festival: Looking for individuals, groups or guilds!

The Ashen Court, a Wyrmrest Accord-based community committed to bringing more role-play to the streets of Silvermoon and Quel’Thalas, humbly present their plans for this year’s
Midsummer Fire Festival.

If you would like to confirm your presence or participation to any of these events, please comment below
or reach out to Axiann (Axiann#5749) or Eledris (Dath#6053)!
on discord.

Go check out our main thread about this topic over on the Wyrmrest Accord forums!

The Midsummer Fire festival is an important high holiday for the people of Quel’Thalas. For thousands of years, Thalassian elves have revered the Sun as a symbol of empowerment and salvation, guiding them as a people and in their daily lives. Around the time of the Summer Solstice, when the Sun’s presence is felt the most,
the people come together to celebrate.