The Ashbringer

when you realise that the ashbringer was hinted at ingame and was an item that no one knew how to obtain until a GM who no longer worked for blizzard posted a guide on how to get it and the item was removed from ingame…

idk if it was completely true that you could obtain it but if it was I think it was before naxxramas or the corrupted ashbringer.

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Can we get an aeitesh for warriors 2

It wasn’t limited 1 per person it was just a really rare drop from a single Boss in Naxx split between 40 players with only 1 chance per week in a raid with an incredibly low clear rate, it was just unlikely that more than 1 or 2 players per realm had it.

The only thing that was limited 1 per player was the scarab lord title and the black battle tank.




Alright that was some funny banter.

Because the Ashbringer cleansing was added in Legion

wasnt there a scripted event in SM if you equipped corrupted ashbringer. Since it made you friendly.


If you want your very own ashbringer, get a Paladin to level 100 in retail wow.

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Confirmed alliance can get Ashbringer from fishing in AB in classic.

come support the cause Unarmored Mounts Megathread 2.0

I see where this misconception comes from. The Corrupted Ashbringer is not limited to one per server. This being said back in vanilla wow only small number of guilds were able to clear naxx content effectively leading to only a small number of players obtaining this weapon. So with this in mind it would not be unexpect for only one player to have the weapon on a smaller servers due to the amount of effort that went into obtaining it back in the day. Same could also be said for full tier gear from naxx as well because assembling all the other pieces was an ever harder undertaking.

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