đź“— The Archivum Collective

8.0 has taken so much from all of us. So many subscriptions, so many guilds… all destroyed.

But while the fire of knowledge can be dimmed, the embers will never go out. The Archivum Collective’s work is never done! We’re feeling optimistic about 8.1 and other future content, and that’s breathed new life into our group.

Strange killings by an unknown creature in Stranglethorn. Undead monsters of unknown origin rampaging through Hillsbrad. Unexplained activity in Gurubashi ruins, long-thought to be dormant. As much as we’ve learned in the past few years, Azeroth is still full of mystery, full of the unknown… full of danger.

Some of these dangers are quite simple. Gnolls, murlocs, bandits. Even a dragon is rather simple when you consider that it’s a physical, tangible problem. Let the mercenary groups, and military powers of the world deal with these. But what do you do when the problem isn’t so straightforward? When it requires not just power to counteract, but knowledge as well? You call the Archivum Collective.

When something arises that requires our attention, we not only solve the problem, but use the process to add more knowledge, lore, and artifacts to our own archives. Donations are welcome, but we don’t charge for our services. Our payment comes in another form: the acquisition of information, that may in turn help others.

We’re explorers. We’re adventurers, researchers, artificers, guardians, and travelers. We are Archivists. Care to join us?

We are a dual-faction (ICly the same group), PvE and RP guild dedicated to fun storytelling, and experiencing the game with friends in an environment dedicated to fun, respecting your fellow players, and more fun. We accept all types of characters, ranging from battle-hardened human warriors, to Darkspear druids. If you’re interested, let me know in-game, or send a message to me at by battletag: TheArchivist#11863

We hope to hear from you soon! Our adventures begin Tuesday!


Btw, the whole Cross-Faction RP idea, seems kind of cool.

Noooo. Silly. That’s not what I’m saying.

I was just asking for clarification.

See, it’s hard for me to to take the trolls seriously. So I don’t know when their trolling or when their being serious.

Now I know, the OP is being serious. =)

I’ve been in this wasting-my-life-on-the-forums business a looooooooong time. (like a year and a bit with any consistency but still) Zenrao posts a lot, sure, but I’ve never really found him to be a troll…

Strikes me as more of a Pandaren, actually :thinking:


You mean a half-black half-polar furbolg, right?


Looking forward to being involved! Y’all should join us for some awesome RP that focuses on finding all the knowledge and discovering all the things - everyone welcome, even if you’re not an academic character yourself. <3

See y’all in game!


In all seriousness, I’d love to chuck a toon into the guild! It sounds very interesting. Timezones MAY be a problem when I get back to work, but that’s something we can always dialogue about.


Partly a bump and partly a legit update and elaboration on what’s going down.

So starting tonight, the Archivum Collective is back. FULL THROTTLE, POW!

I’m very excited, and I’ve been so happy to meet and speak with those of you who have expressed interest in joining. I’ve had quite a few people ask me questions about us, because the way we run things is admittedly unusual. So I’m gonna do a little FAQ post here.

Q: You guys say you’re a neutral guild, or “dual faction”. What does that mean, mechanically?

A: In character, the Collective is all one group. There is no Horde branch and Alliance branch. OOC, we achieve this by having two separate guilds. On the Alliance, the guild is called < Archivum Collective >, while on Horde, the guild is < The Archivum Collective >.

Q: How do you actually RP across faction lines?

A: We utilize an addon called CrossRP. It uses battle.net community features to enable seemly cross-faction communication. Including emotes and complete RP addon profiles and functions.

Q: Isn’t OOC communication difficult, considering guild chat would only be visible to people on that faction? And not the entire guild?

A: Is it more complicated? Probably. More difficult? Not at all. We use a battle.net community as our guild chat most of the time (you’re still of course ALLOWED to use guild chat on either faction). Given that you need your battle tag to use CrossRP anyhow, it’s pretty easy!

Q: My character doesn’t particularly love the other faction, and/or still feels loyalty for their race or entire faction. Is this a problem?

A: The Archivum Collective prohibits any action taken that hinders or helps the Alliance or Horde in a military sense, using Archivum resources. If your human paladin wants to get behind what we’re all about, but simply cannot abandon the Alliance to the hands of the Horde, they are still permitted to fight that fight. However, giving either faction help that results in the harm or death of others is a serious offense, and will be treated as such. TL;DR- members are individuals, who are permitted other loyalties. Using our resources to serve those loyalties can be punished ICly, however.

Q: What kinds of events do you do?

A: Most of our RP is adventuring and mystery solving, treasure hunting, and the like. I participate and DM all events currently, but people who want to design and run events are encouraged to come to me with ideas! I’m more than willing to let others express that creativity, and enjoy seeing your ideas as members!

Q: How do you handle rolls/RP combat?

A: We’re currently hammering out kinks but currently we run with a basic roll system for most actions. Essentially, you emote an action then roll. Depending on the roll, I’ll emote a response, which you can then in turn respond to yourself.

From here I’ll get into explaining exactly how our roll system works. For many this will be common sense, but for those without much tabletop experience, we will explain. Don’t worry, it’s not very complex.


Rather than using more rigid stats and skills, we tend to allow more breathing room and let the story carry most of the weight. Essentially, you have four actual stats.

Hit Points, Agility, Strength, and Magic. You can distribute 15 points across these four stats. Though it should be noted that everyone going in will start with five hit points. Intellect is not a stat, as we prefer to leave up to players how intelligent their character is, and in what way.

Hit Points- How much damage you can take. At zero, you’ll be KO’d, not killed. You can be revived to 5 HP by a friend who can heal, provided they pass a magic roll. We don’t enforce non-agreed upon permadeath, because we think it’s nonsense.

Agility- Determines how fast and sneaky you are, in general. Reflexes, stealth, and the like.

Strength- Pretty simple. Determines things like ability to lift objects, how hard your strikes hit, and how swol you are.

Magic- Determines how strong your magic is. This affects any and all spells. Healing to Arcane Barrage.

So let’s say you roll for agility, and have invested 4 points in it. You roll a 10. Because you have 4 agility points, it becomes a 14. So simple a 23 year old comedian could have thought of it!


Different from stats, and more creatively conducive. You can have up to 3 “skills”. Obviously your character has more then 3 skills ICly, but these are things they really excel at! And there’s no list. You can put down anything you want. Can they talk to frogs? Do they have extra sensitive hearing? Skills are unique to your character, and if you can find a way to use them, you’ll get a big point bonus on that roll! Not to mention they’re just fun to have from an RP perspective.

In conclusion, I hope that answers some questions, but always feel free to ask more! Our first event will be posted soon!


My reaction when the Archivum returns:

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:heart: !!!

We’re planning on having an event this Saturday! And I’m doing IC interviews and stuff all week, if you wanna RP! See you in-game!

I would like to extend a special invitation for members of the Archivum Collective to visit the Quilen & Cloud Teahouse. Sunday night is the next event. We could especially use the help of some H-Pandaren as IC translators.

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We would be honored! I’ll let everyone know, thank you for reaching out like that!

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Thanks to the forum changes I can’t effectively update my own posts, correctly quote my own posts, or even post links. The actual dates for this month are the 16th and the 30th.

16th and 30th, got it! I’ll pin it in our Discord!