The archive quest tww

THe Archive quest in TWW, the quest giver is not spawned.


Delete all your side quests and she should spawn.


ive done every side quest and i still cannot get the archive quest

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I ran off to do side quests when i started the zone, and came back to the city to do the main chain and can’t pick the quest up, she’s invisible to me. She was involved with some of the side quests throughout the zone, so I flew around the zone to try and find Speaker Brinthe (quest giver) and she is no where to be found.

I have relogged, tried joining a friend’s group, war mode, dropped all quests and can’t get her to spawn.

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This is exactly my problem too. Nothing spawned which made me detour to complete side quests. All of my side quests are complete, but Speaker Brinthe is nowhere to be found. >:(

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Same, I grabbed as many quests as I could and now I can’t pickup The Archive or progress the main story at all

its purely a bug with no kind of niche workaround. ive done the same route on beta 15+ times. about 3-4 times this issue happened, all i could do was delete the toon and try again. same route every time, so nothing special you can do to phase her back in.
Currently happened to both of my main toons too. nothing you can do until blizzard fixes this. doesnt look like they care though. i reported this 4-5 times since it happened continiously on beta

EDIT: found the fix: the quest :golgrins reach you get from the opal mine area near the start. if that is available she will not spawn. removing this quets, or i assume completing the questline, makes her show up


I’ve completed all quests in the area and she still doesnt spawn for me. Tried everything so far


decent chance just having that questline picked up does it for you. might be screwed the moment you go over and complete that quest chain. til they fix their horrible instancing with quests.
similar thing happens after you do the campaign in the village at the south. until you continue the campaign further above, all npcs between the 2 zones are phased out

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Have someone who IS CURRENTLY ON THE QUEST and able to see the NPCS invite you, and have them START A PARTY SYNC. They will appear for you to complete!


its not shareable

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This Fix does work. Thank you original poster!

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whats the fix


Can confirm the party sync from another player worked for me

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still cant turn in the quest tho


Same here. Another player shared the quest with me but the NPC is still missing so can’t turn it in. Fully progression-stopping for the main quests.


exact same youd think hard locks would be hot fixed

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I’m having the same issue too, unfortunately. I opened a ticket and the GM basically told me “Oh well, wait for the devs to fix it”. This is really horrible considering I paid extra money for Early Access, and I can’t access the content.

They need to fix this ASAP.

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Yeah, very very very frustrating.

Have someone who is currently on the quest “The Archive” & can see the NPCS invite you to a party.
The person who invited you should start a “Party Sync”, afterwards the NPCs will appear for you to pick up & complete the quest

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