No she’s kinda the center pillar. She determines who goes where when someone dies. She rules from Oribos, The Undying City (the dalaran for the xpac)
The ruler of Bastion is the Archon, first among the winged kyrians.
For reference the other leaders are:
Venthyr: Denathrius (though their are rumors of him being unfit and a new “Sire” needing to be crowned)
Night Fae: Winter Queen
Necrolords: Currently MIA but the 5 most powerful Necrolords are currently all trying to claim the spot.
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Heavy sigh This theory makes sense, but I don’t like it because it just means that Sylvanas will be “in the right” for wanting to break the cycle of Life and Death, and thus screw over the Arbiter who is bad. I can’t stomach a bs Sylvanas redemption.
but they’ve made no attempt to corrupt it like they did the Emerald Dream, as far as we know. Maybe Maldraxxus did a good job of keeping them at bay.
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Emerald dream is specific to Azeroth I believe. So it was probably easier to access for the old gods and had a more direct effect when it came to corrupting Azeroth (which is their end goal).
Shadowlands is for the whole universe. The old Gods trying to corrupt the Shadowlands would be equivilant to trying to corrupt the twisting nether
To be fair, they did a tiny little bit of that in Mac’Aree.
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I mean they did say that the Jailer was essentially the “boogeyman” of the shadowlands. But with her being as ancient as she is, she probably didn’t suspect that he would involve a mortal in their affairs and break the balance. That or plot armor, my guess is plot. Realistically I think she should’ve at least known this was coming. IMO
Keep in mind that even if the Arbirter will call forth Doom from the depths, it doesn’t mean she will turn bad.
Magni became a pawn of the Old Gods and helped N’zoth get free, as Il’gynoth foretold. He didn’t go bad. He was simply used.
Yeah but that was more because of the direct presence of void worshiping Ethereals. IMO it seems fairly different from the Emerald Nightmare. The nightmare effect the very essence of the dream while this is just a patch of swirly space poo.
The difference to me is what we see there in Mac’Aree is surface level. Superficial like a wound or a coat of paint. The Emerald Nightmare was dear. Changing what the dream was like changing it’s DNA or a mutation. Obviously this is somewhat headcanon since we don’t really have much detail on the stuff in Mac’aree or the process of creating the nightmare beyond touching a tree with a tentacle.
But yeah If Old Gods/Void Lords had enough access or a strong enough presence in either Shadowlands or Twisting Nether I’m sure they could do plenty of corrupting.