This exactly. I did the “poison the tauren” quest many times and always felt weird about it. But the fact it was in the game made me think that for sure Sylvannas was guilty of the Wrathgate situation. Him talking to Sargaras, i always felt like he was just cursing, so to speak. (Paraphrasing) “Sargaras, give me the power/minions to smite these fools”, or something of the sort. Being able to actually contact the Big S while on Azeroth is a pretty big deal. Summoning a bunch of demons is just summoning a bunch of demons. Sort of a bread and butter of being a dreadlord.
But that is my interpretation. I always, long before anything went down with Alex or Metzen or anything, was absolutely convinced Sylvannas gave the order (behind the scenes) and thought Varimathras got a raw deal. I mean, he’s a dreadlord, but he also gave me my favorite pair of pants from Vanilla, and i find it hard to hate him. (Lol)
While Cata updated to make Sylvannas seem like the one betrayed, her behavior in Cata and then Legion was absolutely a reasonable level of escalation for a villian. To use the blight again in Gilneas, despite pretending not to know anything about it and stating she would never do something like that…i mean, strikes me that she is a flaming liar at that point and certainly not at all interested in what the Horde wants.
Im not fond of the Cata 1-60 quests, though i did do them all, and it sticks out to me that much of the Seplucher quest chains are more about jamming Garrosh into places he didnt belong.
I’d have written it to be less from the orcish point of view, but from the forsaken pov. Where Sylvannas is respected, and you learn the history of the wrsthgate and her version of what happened…and then have you learn that you are building the blight machines. And that she’s going to use them. And let you stew with that.
Instead we got this weird treatment where we are shown orcs asking too many questions and seeing them run to daddy to snitch. We are removed from the crime.
The crime happens regardless. Sylvannas is part of the Gilnean quest chain. But in one case we get Garrosh calling her a b- to her face, and a whole lot less culpability on behalf of the player. Less emotional connection, way more “wow, they said thralls balls and he called her a NAME”.