The Arathi should worship An'she after we meet them

I’m just saying you take an entire kingdom of people who have a very, very heavy sun motif in their iconography, and you introduce them to the Tauren, who worship the sun, and they’re going to be best friends.

I think it’d be really cool.

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Given the symbols and belief, they’d likely move closer to the Draenei. Or Outland. :world_map::robot:

That I can also see.

I mainly just want an excuse, any excuse, for Blizz to give An’she some love.

Seems a little tough but maybe they can make artifacts of An’she? Held by our foes similar to Kurog carrying…

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Ok. I need to make a DK and use that axe. My entire life, a lie, because I didn’t know it existed until now. I have no words. They should have sent a poet.


Can DKs use polearms? :robot::thought_balloon:

Totes can iirc.

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they can use most melee weapons except glaives, staffs and daggers i believe.

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