The AR myth debunking Megathread. Why your favorite allied race won't become an AR

great points! i hope to see all new races! not just reskins of existing races

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Right along with gilgoblins

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No denying that either.

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Also, to OP: thanks for the “info”, Captain Obvious! The point of having discussions is to discuss things. :neutral_face:


Go ask Blizzard. I am going with the current pattern. So far every existing AR HAS been an offshoot of an existing race.

Again, it feels like some of you are mixing up NEW races and AR’s. Vulpera would be considered a NEW race.

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nope. Blizzard has gone on record that they chose the name allied races so they wouldn’t be boxed into just subraces.

Blizzard so far has added races as they made sense to do so in the story (barring void elves which were more than likely originally going to be high elves but the rule of cool changed that decision when void elves were thought up)

The fact they are similar to base races has nothing to do with it.

I think vulpera and mechagnomes are extremely likely. The worst thing that can happen for beloved NPC races that don’t become playable is that people can still request them. Requesting them shows this company that there is interest in playing them.

As for “practicality” I’m not sure what this means considering WoW is a fantasy world where lots of strange things are the norm.

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You’re making assumptions.

So are you.

Not everything said at Blizzcon is always representative of how the entire company thinks and blizzard has been known to stretch the truth and even lie in the past. Remember 8 allied races are out at this point and they have all been the same racial type as the one they have been parred with. One of the highly speculated allied races and one of the very highly speculated allied races a version of gnomes. There is also a goblin variant that could potentially become an AR.

I know I am, but’s that because we don’t have an official definition of Allied Race other than race we have to unlock.