The AoE changes are bad

What do you mean nonsense justification? I understand you want big numbers, playing the big aoe specs, but seriously yo. For those who play the specs that do very well in aoe they will see it as nonsense justification, but, considering the way things are pulled is it really nonsense? Yes, I understand you wanna go-go-go and not spend an hour or more in a dungeon, but, it’s a bit absurd to think that it was gonna stick around in that form.

There’s always changes like this and the playerbase gets salty because they want to go-go-go instead of slowing their battles down.

Fire ion, fire ion! Everybody now!

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Just today I did some dailies. I pulled more than 5 targets on my paladin in nazjatar so many times. Only damaging 5 out of a mob of 10 makes no sense, breaks immersion and mechanically will make qoe abilities (divine storm) feel stupid. Why would spinning holy hammers pick five of the ten targets to hit? It will hinder game play in the world and in instanced content. Please revert this change. AoE is the most enjoyable part of the game. 5 targets is not AoE.

I understand not wanting to have certain classes be dominant like DH and outlaw rogues, but this won’t change that, just change the meta to favour uncapped AoE classes like mage with blizzard. Already as it is warriors feel terrible because their AoE except bladestorm is capped.

Punishing players for a play style again, like the GCD changes.


I disagree, some specs should be designed to have a good burst phase. Assassination rogue for example. A period of high damage makes sense from a class fantasy perspective. Additionally, anticipating mechanics and knowing when to blow your cooldowns is a factor of player skill in my opinion. For affliction lock I agree though. Burstiness doesn’t fit with that spec very well and should be sustain.

As for the topic, this is silly to complain about. First, we have no idea what the encounters are like. Second, we don’t know how any of the classes will feel. Third, honestly how many people actually pull 8 or more mobs other than tanks when not in a group or doing something they massively outgear? As it stands this is a non-issue and people are just overreacting.

You do understand that on the second press of your AoE you’ll hit ANOTHER 5 of those 10 targets? It’s very, very unlikely it will be “your AoE cannot touch another target until one of these first five is dead.” You can still pull as much as you can survive, and still come out ahead by far. Nobody is limiting you to max pulls of five. You’ll just have more active presses of your cleave.

You’d think OP would be fine with this, being a Rogue isn’t easy when you have DK’s and Demon Hunters dominating melee with AoE.

Only reason to bring a Rogue to Mythic+ is Shroud of Concealment, damage is good but there are better trash clearers.

I think you did not understand the change, at all. They are not limiting how many targets you can damage at same time, only how many targets your AoE ability hits. For Assassination Rogues, the change makes almost no difference at all, because Fan of Knives will hit 8 targets, it will not hit always the same 8 targets, meaning you can spread your poisons to all targets and it will stay the same thing. DoT weaving isn’t “burst AoE”, it’s just… AoE.

This change is meant to lower the amount of AoE damage one can do in a short window of time, such as M+, where you gather a large bunch of mobs and burst them all down before their mechanics can impact you.

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ALL abilities aren’t aoe capped so I would be weary of thinking all specs will have a fair amount of shine :rofl::rofl:. I’m thinking there will just be a new meta and the problem they believe exists will still exist.

The rise of Warlocks!

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Maybe M+ will just become kite world, since it seems ground based aoes arent capped tanks can just walk around while mobs are slowed and aoed by the dps

Their “reasoning” was basically nonsense. And didn’t acknowledge all the many negative ways this would affect the game outside of M+.

This will do nothing to improve the game, far from it, and make the game less fun. So it shouldn’t be done.

If the solution is worse than the “problem” look for another way or don’t do anything.

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It’s going to affect gameplay because we are all in a go-go-go mentality. What you just described there with pulling more than 5 targets? Yes, that very thing is a go-go-go mentality. It’s one of the many reasons why they slow game pacing and combat down with things like the GCD. It’s not an ARPG where combat takes 5 seconds to mow down 500 mobs nor should it be treated as such either. Impatience sucks. AoE is distinguishable from cleave which is also distinguishable from spread cleave otherwise what’s the point in having so many classes if half of them are just gonna be doing the same damage?

To be fair this started at the end of WotLK going into Cata. By the end of Cata we were pulling 80% of the dungeon and just burning everything down. Then Cata hit and suddenly Heroics were “hard”.

I’m noticing a theme that it is all the meta’s who mainly are complaining.

No, it 100% is not. The meta evolved to be massive pulls - like 1/3rd of a dungeon INTO a boss fight. That AoE had infinite scaling made this possible. That was never part of the dungeon design…

They are thus fixing a gameplay that has evolved to abuse the core systems in ways they had not seen. They see it now, it gets fixed. This is how games evolve.

Instead of being upset, pro players probably won’t even post here - they will just adjust. They are the best because they play the game that is. When AoE is not meta, they will find a different way.

This change has little impact on non-pro players since I have yet to see a PuG pull 1/3rd a dungeon at once into a boss fight - haha. Even with the go go mentality, this is not normal strategy in m15 and under, PuGs can’t pull it off.


Units should have collision and friendly fire as well.

Are you in the alpha?

I bet you can’t even describe the AOE changes - they certainly won’t be bad, they probably won’t even be noticed.

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I would be okay with a cap of say… 10.

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It’s a good decision, it’s not arbitrary, and it makes a lot or sense.

Neither did you.

Got alpha access? Doubt you have any idea how its going to affect anything at all.