The amount of goldsellers upset GDKP is gone is wild

a loot system i avoid will totally save the game

Nah, I don’t think many were Gold Selling (or buying). I think most used GDKP as a lazy way to earn gobs of coin (‘the cut’ payout). On a ‘okay’ night you could easily make 300g; on a great night? Well over 2k. No farming, no gymnastics in ZF…just ‘brain off’ murdering of raid bosses.

Well. That’s been taken away. Now if they want coin, they have to farm for it.

Then there’s the people that used GDKP to “skip the line” for gearing. Why do loot council or MS/OS rolls, when you can drop a sack of coin and get the item and ‘be done’.

Now they can’t do that. Now they have to “mingle” with the peasants and hope to win gear.


Eh its more that its a community on a discord who enjoys the loot system.

Also has much better players on it then your trade chat groups and usually has weekly schedules you can see a week in advance so you can sign up.

Might not mean alot to you, but it does to others.

I still love and miss gdkps.

I made friends doing gdkps. It gives you an incentive to raid more. The last like 5 weeks of ST where we bled gold in ST for no reason were not fun. It shouldn’t be more optimal to stay logged off than log on. There is a reason GDKP takes over late in the games lifecycle. It is one of the few reasons to keep players rewarded for logging on.

Everything is ok because I’m sure I will make way more friends doing daily incursions.

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this is known as a strawman argument.

Is that the only logical fallacy you know because it’s definitely not a straw man.

Looking at the forums it’s insane how many people are defending GDKP as a way that will absolutely totally revitalize SoD, despite it being well known that GDKPs are what lead to large amounts of gold selling and buying.

To be honest it’s actually really nice to not see gold buyers spam nearly as often and for LFG chat not to be spammed with these damn things

My sarcastic dig at the OP is because in spite of the removal of GDKP these things are still rampant in game and most people have NOT seen a decline in these behaviours is not a straw man fallacy.

Not only that but your reddit level of argumentation education probably glossed over the fact that an argument can still be correct even when it does contain a fallacy.

In any case the actual fallacy you’d want to use in this situation is called “ad absurdum” and I used it on purpose because:

  1. Hyperbole sometimes highlights the stupidity of someone’s statement
  2. GDKP removal did absolutely nothing to fix the RMT problem and people that thought it would deserve to be made fun of.

edit: lol imagine saying strawman as a blanket statement like some kinda ‘gotcha’ moment.

It absolutely is a straw man. You invented a position and then argued against it. Do you need a dictionary?

Lol way to double down.

In spite of the literal quotes I used from the OPs post that clearly indicate i didn’t “invent” anything.

Brutal level of intelligence you’re showing here bud.

edit: here you go: ca/Logical-Fallacies-Kids-Empowering-critically/dp/B0C7J53J1G

Please tell the thread what you think a straw man is so we can make fun of your ignorance.

goldsellers arent mad at gdkp they are eaten good botting incursions and selling gold to people who all are most certainly getting hand of rag

If i had said something stupid like

The rate of homeless his directly increased as a result of the GDKP ban so gold sellers are only upset because of the homelessness increase.

That would be a strawman.

I have invented something that is unrelated to the original argument then phrased my argument against that fallacy. I have invented a “straw man” and argued against it while ignoring the actual argument.

In this case of what I did, I took what OP said and then presented it an an absurd way to highlight the ridiculousness of what they were saying. Ad absurdum.

Super simple stuff dude, that’s the problem when you learn logical fallacies arguing on 4chan and reddit, you’re not actually learning.

Here’s a logical fallacy book for children, start there:

www. amazon .ca/Logical-Fallacies-Kids-Empowering-critically/dp/B0C7J53J1G
en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Reductio_ad_absurdum
en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Straw_man

Oh ya that was my original point that seems to be going over so many player heads.

Gold sellers didn’t lose a second of sleep over the GDKP ban. If anything it let them jack the prices through the roof until incursion inflation hit.

People who clearly have no idea what GDKPs are calling everyone who enjoys then a gold seller is wild. . . :roll_eyes:

You’re not very bright.

And there it is, the clockwork swiper argument against the GDKP ban.

“uhhhh it didn’t ban every single bot in the game, so it’s a failure!”


it was never meant to completely 110% destroy every bot, it was meant to just remove the largest incentive behind RMT.

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I doubt even Blizzard has the data to claim it as the largest.

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I love people like you. Learned a couple logical fallacies but never learned critical thinking.

It is literally not a strawman but you don’t know enough not to know that. David Dunning and Justin Kruger would be proud.

Never bought gold in my life, playing 20 years on this account with one suspension for swearing in early vanilla when GMs were real humans and existed. I’m just not stupid enough to think GDKPs were a problem nor am I stupid enough to think removing them would fix the problem.

At the end of the day Blizzard does not have the resources to manage player behaviour in game anymore. They don’t have in game GMs, they barely have any live customer service support and they will never, EVER invest in those areas as it’s detrimental to their bottom line and shareholders demand infinitely increasing profits.

it was never meant to completely 110% destroy every bot, it was meant to just remove the largest incentive behind RMT.

Move the goal posts as much as you want, trading in-game currency for gear in a raid is a system that should be allowed. The only argument you clowns ever present is “incentive for RMT” which is nebulous at best disingenuous at worst especially given there has been no noticeable decline in RMT behaviour only a decline in GDKP only players.

The incentive to RMT is time. Effort vs time. As long as Blizzard ignores bots, gold farmers, doesn’t address boring content and unrealistic grinds the incentive will be there for RMT.

Of course the same people that wanted GDKPs removed would also hate for WoW tokens to be introduced even though that is Blizzards biggest weapon in combating RMT. Move the RMT into game, undercut black market sellers and watch the bots/farmers migrate to more lucrative games. But then you’d still complain about swipers.

You people are eternally disgruntled, there is no state of the game where you’ll ever be happy.


Just like it was “known” that wearing a mask would prevent covid.

The GDKP ban argument employs both a scapegoat and a strawman.

Scapegoat: The ban targets GDKP instead of addressing bots and RMT, using GDKP as a substitute for the real issue.

Strawman: The argument misrepresents the discussion by equating GDKP with bots and RMT. While we agree that more enforcement against bots and RMT is needed, the argument falsely claims that banning GDKP addresses this concern, thereby attacking a misrepresented position.

Thus, GDKP serves as both a scapegoat and a strawman in the argument.

But ultimately this thread is should be deleted because it is trolling. Learn to use the report.

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I’m willing to bet that over half the antis buy gold.

I mean all these bots gotta be selling to someone.