The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) And GSE

There is nothing I can do to make this work. We didn’t ask for this change it was forced upon us. from a mod in the GSE community. The only way GSE now works is to directly key bind the GSE Sequence.

Blizzard, as someone who been playing your game as a bata tester in the vanilla days
I never asked to become disabled, and when GSE came out and you said it did not break any teams, I was excited to learn new classes, and not I’m just forced to stay on class now, I really, I’m disponed, most of the disability I have I wouldn’t force on any one I hate even, Now with the new system you have made it more harder for me to play this game i love so much, I got married had kids and they play as a dad i love this , when my arranged ended with their mom I had to fight in court to have my son play this game , with me , and I won even though the courts were suing game companies for the danger of game , today my kids are grown and , we play and now I can’t even pvp with them over this , new changes you made to GSE , Accessible Seating:

  • Accessible seats are specifically designed for wheelchairs and have features like an accessible approach, location at grade, clear floor space, and larger dimensions. one could say this we pay a fee to play the game , and we want our set , when i asked to talk to a bord member or support staff i was told they had non in blizzard who know anything about ADA rule this has to be a over site i hope please call me and lets discuss this .

How many accounts could you play at one time?

one now , i love my toon , spend years of hard work , and being disabled , im not asking to 505 of them , just wonder why blizzard staff cant expain why they dont know about ada

Somewhere on these forums is a post about what was changed.
The UI and Macro section I believe.

Any way the one key press does one action has aways been the rule.
That addon made 2 actions or more per key press.
I am truly do not understand why it took so long to deal with the Addon.

I do wish you the best.

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No. Or at least when I looked at it a couple of expansions ago, it didn’t. The same key performed two different actions when pressed twiice, but to perform two actions, you needed two keypresses.

I didn’t use it myself, but AFAICS, it was within the rules.

Now, if you want to talk about unreasonable bending of those rules, I’d be happy to go a few rounds on TSM, but that’s a different story.

I didn’t know that the devs did something to hamper GmomeSequencer, but I don’t see a valid reason.

Thank you!

That led me to this thread

and from there to

and then to

where the author has released 10 short videos over the last two weeks, explaining stuff.

Since I am not familiar with the addon, it doesn’t mean much to me, but it does seem to explain what the changes mean for GSE and how to use it now.


It had a press down and when you let the key go it would do another action.
That is why I said it did two or more per key press and release.

If this is true, I sit corrected!

However, I just checked out three fairly recent (during DF) GSE videos, and in all of them you can clearly see the player repeatedly hammering the key within one GCD, as you do to avoid dead time.

Why would that happen if the actions happened without additional keypresses?

The action would be the down press and change to up key on the fly.

Code… Do this when down… When down change to cast on up key… Do this code.

Each line was in a var…
Each line had a line inserted before the line and another inserted after the line.

Each macro had several Castsequences and casts.

Normal macro stops after the first Cast…unless you have the castsequence, but would stop the macro until you press the key again.
Not the GSE ones. The macro if you want to call them that. Would stay in memory and you then had to press it again…yes to advance to the next line, but the next line could be something else.
Way over the 255 limit and so much AI.

That is why I said to myself … This is not for me… Gonna get a ban if I use it.

If they are hitting the key several times …
They are advancing the macro to the code they want to run.

Press two in a row… Second macro in memory.
Press three in a row… Third macro in memory.

This hints at something the developers have just done for 11.0.

They have eliminated macro chaining by making it illegal for a macro to /click a button that triggers another macro. The 255-character limit is now absolute and uncircumventable.

Sounds like they went out of their way to break addons like GSE, and not by accident. Why, and what the players think of that, are irrelevant.


Wow and that is why I had you on ignore…
Thanks for reminding me.

The truth hurts.

They do what they do, and we use the product as provided or we don’t.

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The FCC regulates video games by enforcing the Communications and Video Accessibility Act (CVAA), not the ADA.

Email the Accessibility Team if you run into an accessibility barrier with Blizzard’s game code:

I do not believe this extends to addons, which have hardly any governing rules aside from Blizzard blocking their code. That team may be able to comment more on that subject.

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A couple of days ago, I knew nothing about the state of GSE since … actually, I think it may have been Mists.

I got interested. I checked out GSE and WoW Lazy Macros and the GSE United Discord.

I installed GSE and an up-to-date GSE module and tanked a quick Normal on my Bear. It worked perfectly with two buttons for ST and AoE (except one bit where I forgot and started hitting the usual keys.) Now, a Normal is not taxing, but the point is that GSE worked perfectly; I needed nothing else, and would not have even at a higher level.

And while the WoW Lazy Macros forum still has mostly out of date modules (I take anything more than 2 weeks old to be out of date, given the 3.2 version and initial changes to it) I can see in the Discord that there is a flurry of activity from the module authors, and we can expect to see more updates and replacememts Real Soon™.

So, while I have only moved from a state of knowing nothing to a state of knowing very little, I do see that the addon author and the module authors are working like crazy to make GSE continue under the new API.

Before despairing, I would keep a close eye on developments. I think GSE will be ready to go again by the time TWW launches. :smiley:

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I do agree with you Narc. I am sure you are not the only person with a disability that loves this game. I have been on this game, from the time it started in 2005, I love this game. I remain on this game because of the old GSE not the key Bind GSE. It is hard to reach the different keys, because of my disability. I hope Blizzard show some compassion.

ADA does not apply to game companies - court rulings have confirmed it. The only thing game companies have to comply with are communication systems.

actually it dose , but thank ada v bill gate , is the ruling

you will have to link that because I can find no ruling that relates to games under that - Bill Gates typically wasn’t involved in games either.

Yep, the FCC, like I mentioned above.

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yes and I wish he would communicate the exact court case because I am pretty sure he misunderstood what it was about.