The Amani are NOT the good guys

Way I remember it in lore (and I could be wrong) the Elves settled into Quel’Thalas, and they and the Amani avoided each other for centuries until a new troll emperor wanted to expand his empire, and then things went crazy.

Yeah, the Amani are worse.

Maybe you need a reminder.

Amani suck more.

Elves still suck.


I will say it again I suppose.

Both groups suck and did terrible things. Y’all need to stop acting like the Amani never did anything wrong

They made that name up. Don’t pretend they are indegenious. They all should go back to Kalimdor where they came from.

Blizzard is already doing a great job and defend the elves and all the horrible things they committet due their whole history they don’t need the players to jump into the argument for them to be save from any consequences of their actions. Now Amani however need a huge Community fistbump so the Devs may see how popular they are.

To be clear, that might only be Erevein.

Has anyone ever UNIRONICALLY said

“The High Elves did nothing wrong.”

UNIRONICALLY. (also people need to get some context-reading skills)

Has anyone ever said this? Nope. Not really that relevant then to point that both sides are bad, hm?

No one is saying that the High Elves are good boys and girls, they are the Highborne, they are arrogant and vainglorious. But they at least defended Quel’Thalas from corruptive forces and tried to coexist with the Amani.

We know this for a fact, because we have the exact timeline. Quel’Thalas was founded in 6,800 BDP, and the Troll Wars started in 2,800 BDP. That’s 4,000 years during which the elves did not start any conflict with the Amani.

Meanwhile, the Amani are always the ones who start conflict with the elves and they also sided with orcish invaders who burned the forest and didn’t try to stop the Scourge in any way, even though they claim to care about the Land. (and yet, they did nothing to stop the Scourge from blighting the Land)

My dude I can assure you I would use an Amani as PFP if Blizzard gave me the option. I abandoned blood elves the moment Midnight was announced.

Yeah, that’s another thing people ignore: neither group is meant to be innocent. That’s part of the important of it being world of Warcraft. War is an awful, ugly thing that leads to a lot of suffering and death, and nobody’s hands come out clean at the end of it. That’s why war should always be a last resort.

Both factions are guilty of wrongdoing but also have a few claims in their favor that could make you sympathetic to them in some way. It isn’t a black and white situation.

Of course, it’d all be settled if they made Forest Trolls playable. They’re so freaking cool I would love to be one.

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That reasoning doesn’t track because it implies that the high elves wouldn’t have kept pressing further into Amani land if they were left alone.

I don’t own the outside material myself but IIRC, the current lore is that the Amani attacked after trespassing on their land but the high elves chose to carve their way through anyway because they wanted the perfect spot to build the Sunwell, which was right on top of Amani sacred ruins still in their territory at the time. Then they erected a barrier to keep retaliation at bay, which is the only reason why there was any “peace”.


Anyone ever? Yes, for sure.
In this thread? Maybe. It is a long one.

It is given the discussion is about who was in the right in a specific situation, lol.

Yes they were bent on setting their nation up in this place no matter what the Amani had asked beforehand. It is silly to pretend the elves would have just left if the trolls told they to do it.

Your basic knowledge of Highborne lore is sorely lacking.

As we see in Legion, the Highborne empire was founded upon the ley-lines, which are channels of immense magical powers coursing through the crust of the planet.

As a matter of fact, they even established various stations and facilities around these ley-lines, some of which are visitable in Suramar.

The Highborne society was built upon the use and practice of Arcane magic, and so the ley-lines were required to establish their civilization.

Furthermore, the Highborne basically feed off of Arcane magic, a plot point that was very important in the Suramar storyline. Arcane magic nourishes and empowers the Highborne.

Once you understand all this, it becomes understandable and even sympathetic how Dath’remar and his followers were so desperate to reach the northern island, the confluence of ley-lines upon which they would found the Sunwell.

And while it doesn’t excuse what they did, it justifies it, and the justification is much more complex than just “they wanted a cool spot lol”.

Apparently it happened as recently as just a couple of days ago on Twitter; someone was going on about how not only were the blood elves in the right, but that the story shouldn’t try to explore the Amani side at all and it’d be better for them to be left as 2D savage villains. Then at some point while arguing, they threw up the Israel flag in their bio and started complaining that they were being dogpiled for being a Jewish zionist.

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Night Elf Empire. Don’t pretend the lower castes didn’t support all the stuff Azshara did until the Demons started to attack.

Okay this is just baiting, not interested.

The High Elves are right =/= The High Elves did nothing wrong

If you can expect anything from elf RPers they will never not stop calling anyone below them smelly savages to justify their bad arguments.

Don’t you treat IRL immigrants with the same disdain about moving into your country of Germany?

I feel like pretty much all of these problems would be solved by adding playable forest trolls. Have a civil war in Zul’Aman that causes half to join the Horde and the other half to remain enemies, call them “Zul’Jin Loyalists” or something like that.