Admittedly, I don’t fault the Amani for reacting to the High Elves as they did. They are the worst kind of elves, so I would be pretty annoyed to see them too.
I just don’t like trolls that much. The weird, frog bodies of the male models annoy me. If you have a belt with any 3D elements, it just looks stupid.
Is that a strong -lore- reason to dislike trolls? No… But…
I mean, I have -tried- to like Trolls. I even made a Farakki Troll character to RP once. I deleted him after trying to put together a mog I liked for him LOL.
I really ebb and flow with the whole Troll aesthetic too. Sometimes I am like “Rezan was pretty cool, Zul’jinn is pretty cool. So on and so on”
But the only Troll Aesthetic that has stuck with me are the Blood Trolls, which are throw-away villains we will never see again. And Warcraft 2 Axe Thrower Troll Aesthetic is -PEAK- Trolls. For the most part, everything else just doesn’t hit for me.
It -is- funny to me though that the same people who defend the Amani also criticize the Night Elves for responding violently to trespassers, I have brought up the Amani before when debating such people.
Though, Trolls have been trashed by the Player Characters so much, the mandatory Troll Raid is a meme at this point.
And it -is- a little funny just how -insufferable- the High/Blood Elves are. They show up, steal the Amani’s magic, master it and exceed with it. Teach it to humans. Use Humans as a blunt instrument against the Trolls. Continue to do so basically every time the Amani get uppity again. Defeats the Amani’s Horde Allies, then JOINS THE NEW HORDE AND USE IT’S ADVENTURERS TO RAID THEIR CAPITAL AND KILL THEIR LEADER.
That is like your mean girl high school nemesis stealing your boyfriend then the two of them egging your house.
Like, no one can disagree with me that the Blood Elves are the absolute WORST LOL.