The Amani are NOT the good guys

Isn’t he literally agreeing with you?

Fwiw, I’ve said before I don’t think the Night Elves should have shot first against the Orcs. Though the Night Elves have tried to extend significantly more courtesy to their enemies over the years than the Amani.

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The Goblin yes. I didn’t critizise him of course.

I’m talking about the person you responded to.

Admittedly, I don’t fault the Amani for reacting to the High Elves as they did. They are the worst kind of elves, so I would be pretty annoyed to see them too.

I just don’t like trolls that much. The weird, frog bodies of the male models annoy me. If you have a belt with any 3D elements, it just looks stupid.

Is that a strong -lore- reason to dislike trolls? No… But…

I mean, I have -tried- to like Trolls. I even made a Farakki Troll character to RP once. I deleted him after trying to put together a mog I liked for him LOL.

I really ebb and flow with the whole Troll aesthetic too. Sometimes I am like “Rezan was pretty cool, Zul’jinn is pretty cool. So on and so on”

But the only Troll Aesthetic that has stuck with me are the Blood Trolls, which are throw-away villains we will never see again. And Warcraft 2 Axe Thrower Troll Aesthetic is -PEAK- Trolls. For the most part, everything else just doesn’t hit for me.

It -is- funny to me though that the same people who defend the Amani also criticize the Night Elves for responding violently to trespassers, I have brought up the Amani before when debating such people.

Though, Trolls have been trashed by the Player Characters so much, the mandatory Troll Raid is a meme at this point.

And it -is- a little funny just how -insufferable- the High/Blood Elves are. They show up, steal the Amani’s magic, master it and exceed with it. Teach it to humans. Use Humans as a blunt instrument against the Trolls. Continue to do so basically every time the Amani get uppity again. Defeats the Amani’s Horde Allies, then JOINS THE NEW HORDE AND USE IT’S ADVENTURERS TO RAID THEIR CAPITAL AND KILL THEIR LEADER.

That is like your mean girl high school nemesis stealing your boyfriend then the two of them egging your house.

Like, no one can disagree with me that the Blood Elves are the absolute WORST LOL.

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Ula-Tek have not been mentioned outside the non-canon RPG, so as far as we know it’s not canon.


Okay buddy, let’s maybe pull back on the armchair psychology LOL.

idk what your high school life was life, but I am referring to a trope seen on TV, not the reality of my high school experience. I was fairly popular in high school because I had my hand in many pots and did a lot of extra curricular activities. From sports, to theater, to various clubs like DECA and Chess club. I kinda knew everyone and didn’t really have much conflict with anyone.

I had a boyfriend who lied about sleeping around because he thought that made him cool or something.

And I did get in a fight in the cafeteria that one time too. That was a guy friend of an ex-friend of mine, but I honestly can’t remember why we fought. I know I started it though.

But yeah, no… I don’t dislike Blood Elves because they are pretty XD. In fact, I actually like them BECAUSE they are horrible. It’s the same kind of love/hate relationship I have with Daemon Targaryen from House of the Dragon.

They are horrible. Their entire history has been entirely self serving at the expense of others. Even when they were much taller and more purple has that been consistent. Their entire culture is hubris and narcissism, but there is something charismatic about that. And the more specific, such as them joining the Horde the Amani were once part of, and using it’s heroes to destroy them, I find hilarious.

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Yeah yeah, I get it in your case it’s totally different. However, your portrayal of the Blood Elves couldn’t be further from reality. This sort of cartoonishly evil self serving race of Elves simply doesn’t exist. I mean, compare them to the Venthyr. They’re absolutely boring compared to actual aristocratic pseudo vampires who get nourished by the suffering of other creatures. They literally sat on their bums for thousands of years, doing nothing, then they became interesting when they did the whole Naaru and mana draining thing, and then they continued doing nothing. 14 years later and they still didn’t do anything of note. They didn’t summon the sha to exterminate the Panda people or summon the Iron Horde or burned the tree. Compared to the Forsaken and the Orcs they’re saints, and anyone who disagrees is just RPing as a hippie Night elf.


I mean, you can disagree all you want, but until you counter my point, this isn’t really going anywhere.

It was interesting playing ESO for a spell there. I got to Black Marsh, the homeland of the reptillian Argonians, and was ready to cringe when I saw them painted with the stylings of Meso-American cultures.

But it’s almost like the game knew what I was thinking and immediately subverted expectations. The East Empire Company are the villains. And even the deep swamp Argonians who are hostile to outsiders aren’t depicted as monsters. You run into a few willing to tolerate you for a mutual goal.

And unlike the Trolls the Argonian are quite alien. They’re not mammals. Their concept of gender, sex, birth, death is all fairly different to that of men or elves. It would’ve been very easy to just make them monstrous lizard men we’re obliged to kill.

And some are that. Because MMO. But you get a sense for their perspective and it’s very clear these aren’t ‘savages’. Oh did they invade your territory and start pillaging your houses of worship or sacred lands? No. They’re just ruthlessly killing the people doing that. Which they’re within their rights to. What are you supposed to talk it out during a home invasion?

And the game does that a lot. You also have the Reachmen who are demon worshipping barbarian types. But lo and behold, they’re actually more honorable than the Empire in many senses. And are so hostile because army after army has rampaged through their ancestral lands because of the valuable silver, gold and tech elf ruins underneath it.

Who’s the real savage here? Is an ongoing point to a lot of the storylines.

I really loved a lot of those storylines because it’s just thoughtful. Yeah other people are weird and different to you, and the feelings mutual. But at the end of the day we all just want the same thing; for our families and communities to be healthy and safe.

And that’s what I direly want for Warcraft. It really spear headed a reexamination of fantasy tropes. But it’s still trapped in that old school D&D mindset where there are chaotic evil races but ya know, some of them are ‘the good ones’.

And I hate that. Because it’s boring. It’s a lazy approach to world building that makes the world feel stupid. Why are these people hostile? Oh theyre just evil. Don’t think about it.


Any person who says “Blood Elves are the absolute worst”, even compared to Orcs or Forsaken, is a nutjob who shoulnd’t be taken seriously.


And yet, here you are. So dedicated to engage with a “Nut job who shouldn’t be taken seriously”

Address my points or don’t. Unsupported declarative statements are easy. Lower than the lowest hanging fruit. It is the kind of thing people turn too when they either have nothing to support them, or lack the ability to articulate any of the points they -might- have.

You are not wasting anyone’s time other than yourself.

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High elves are the worst. They sold out their identity to get laid by humans. But blood elves are always trying to improve. Their only mistake was to get rid of the only viable leader.



Forsaken defended their lands in Cataclysm. Orcs escaped their dying world. Blood elves lost their edge in TBC after Velen restored the Sunwell. If you want to go dark with the Horde look at the trolls.

I was liked in high school?

I am going to psychoanalyze people now.

Erevien is an Alliance fan who still remembers when the Horde was the cool faction and people bullied Alliance fans, so he hid his Alliance fandom deep down beneath a blanket of red and black.

This is why he likes Alliance characters better, why he only wants the least Horde-like leaders (many of whom never were even a part of the Horde) to be returned to the Horde, and wishes the Horde to lose all character and identity.

He wants to hurt the thing that made him ashamed of his blue and gold self.

There, I did good. You may praise me.

… Sorry Erevien!!

Basically erevien

I’ll see myself out now :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Oh! Do me! Do me!

I like you Akiyass, but I don’t like you like you. And you didn’t even try buying me dinner first?? And no movie?!?

The heck, Aki.

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No. Not even close

Like drinking fel, trading away artifacts, trying to join the Alliance.

Which one?