The Amani are NOT the good guys

The Temple of Dazar’Alor is specifically named a temple.
The Zandalari are stated to have built a shrine city.
Irenaus is a dumby who thinks they didn’t build the shrine city.

Well, they can come back if they adopt the Kaldorei way of life.

They are spiteful because they lost everything after the Horde betrayed them. You would be too if someone came in and kicked you out of your house and killing your family.

Wait, the pyramid of Dazar’alor is called a temple? It has a palace, an embassy and a library, I don’t remember seeing that it is dedicated to a Loa? If yes, that wasn’t the original purpose (which is to contain the seal that imprisones G’huun).

Nobody kicked the Amani out, even in TBC and Cataclysm they control all of Eastern Ghostlands and parts of Eastern Eversong Forest. They only get their teeth kicked in when they (once again) attempt genocide.

Why did you put your own text in a quote box…

Building a city around a temple would still be a temple city. As would building other temples next to one. Shrine city doesn’t mean they built every single shrine.

I don’t know why you couldn’t have read that in your own text because it is really obvious.

Should the Orcs go back to their original homeland?

They’re absolutely villains to us the player, that’s why we stop them.

Removed from where??

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Tbh the Trolls are a bit iffy because a lot of their stuff is barely recolored colonial adventure narratives straight out’ve 1920s comic strips.

Now I do believe in the possibility this was incidental. We absorb a lot of stuff through pop cultural osmosis for better and worse and thinking critically about the origins of tropes wasn’t a thing your average game dev in the late 90s was called on to do.

I also think the perspective of trolls is a lot different if you’re on the Horde. They’re a bit spooky but are generally good natured goofballs and reliable friends who are never framed as particularly backwards or savage.

Which is why I feel the Amani come off as kinda jarring. They have the Defias problem of having nothing but completely legitimate greviances but nevertheless are portrayed as being beyond reason and to be met with extreme prejudice.

And here’s the thing;

This is a MMORPG. Our principal method of interacting with the world is through violence. We need trash mobs. And there’s plenty of hostile NPC factions painted with IRL cultural stylings that I don’t bat at an eye at killing by the bushel. Take the Centaur. They’re very clearly based off the Golden Horde. That’s fine imo. I agree with some criticisms of their appearance but no I don’t feel bad about killing stand ins for one of the most genocidal conquering armies in human history.

Where I go “Wait a sec here” is with the Defias and Amani. Because they’re deliberately or not styled after resisting West Virgina coal miners and Afro-Carribeans.

Historical groups who got the living ish kicked out of them for having the audacity to stand up to wanton abuse in completely merciless fashion.

And here’s the thing - even then I don’t think that’s inherently wrong. Where it feels wrong is when the game insists these are mindless savages/terrorists with no valuable perspective worth considering who simply must be killed.

I’m not suggesting anyone who enjoys cracking Defias or Amani skulls is a bad person. But when you completely dismiss the suggestion we examine where some of these tropes come from and what they’re implying with knee-jerk dismissal - well I don’t think you’re very intelligent to put it bluntly.

Because you’re telling me you don’t want to think about stuff.


On this again, seriously is it that hard to see things from your enemies perspective?

I already explained the definition I used for villain. I can see someone’s perspective while they’re still a villain. A villain is someone who opposed the hero in a story. There are other definitions, that’s the one I told you I’m using.

“Amani just want their land back”

Sounds like a skill issues.

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I don’t know what you’re referencing with West Virginia coal miners, but as a European, it seemed kinda obvious that the Defias are… Wild West bandits with red bandanas? Who are also secretly pirates? Which is why it’s called “Westfall” and there’s a big pirate ship underground?

You can use this excuse for most races in game though. It’s a slippery slope. Like, should we feel bad for the mogu for example? Who were made to protect pandarias secrets, fell to the curse of flesh and became brutal enslavers who experimented on other native people? But were overthrown by the pandaren and their allies?

Basically a bunch of Coal Miners in West Virginia tried to strike for better working conditions and were met with severe reprisals.

Thing is, most of these men were WW1 veterans who weren’t going to stand there and let industrial tycoon hired thugs smack them around. So push came to shove. They wore red bandanas to mask their faces and to protect from the chemical weapons they were bombed with.

They were exploited, tried to stand up for themselves, pushed back when they were shoved, and were mercilessly attacked for the trouble.

You associating their mask with Wild West Bandits also isnt an accident. There weren’t many cameras or police sketch artists out there. Most criminals didnt cover their face at all. It was called the Wild West for a reason.

The same tycoons that funded the crackdowns also knew how to fund movies.

That’s why these tropes are worth examining.

And sometimes I do think they’ve morphed enough from their origins as to be essentially harmless. Like the white gloves worn by everyone from Mickey Mouse to Mario 100% come from minstrel shows. But that’s so removed as to not be a problem.

And if the Defias were also just bandits I wouldn’t care. But they’re workers outraged about labor theft. And that’s where I start narrowing my eyes here.


Tbf a loud ghost like immediately BTFO’d like 30% of Silvermoon.

So I can see why the Zandalari don’t seem to hold the Amani in high regard. They couldn’t handle a buncha soft, wine drunk tuskless freaks who literally go down this easily;

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Ah, I see. That’s a pretty interesting piece of American history I knew nothing about! However, I’m not quite sure if you do the Classic Defias storyline justice. For example, the player is sent to the city architect to deliver a letter from Van Cleef, and he openly says he can’t blame him for what he did. I got the impression that the Alliance was intentionally portrayed as morally grey, in stark contrast to later expansions.

Sylvanas, better than a Troll at his own job once again. If I was Ghost Zul’jin, I’d just disenchant myself like Garrosh.

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Hey What does chronicle state was present before they built the Shrines? :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Again, what shrines? The shrines to the loa are hundreds of meters away in the mountains.

It doesn’t need to say anything for it not to say what you claim. There’s a lot of stuff Chronicle doesn’t mention, it is broad strokes by design.

You’re lying. There are shrines to each loa in the temple city.

It states it was an empty hill or plain (idr which, am on my phone)

Lol, sure, the great seal just stood on an empty hill or plain.