The cross-realm LFD is the same system, just without the scaling. Blizzard has the system - they have to disable it.
It isn’t. It doesn’t show you the dungeon you’re joining and the progress it is. You have to be able to know if you’re entering into an ongoing dungeon, because you’re going to be locked.
On retail even if you were locked, through RDF you would be able to run the same dungeon, given you select random, while on Dungeon Finder, you cannot run the same dungeon again if you were locked.
So, it is not the same system, and as you already pointed, they have to change it.
It’d take very little effort. We didn’t believe Blizzard when they said they had no data from Classic, and I don’t believe Blizzard if they say they don’t have the LFD system that they had before ready to go.
Well, we don’t know that for a fact. Given the negative PR to the removal, should it be so simple they would’ve said it would be in the game.
Blizzard said they were, “surprised” by the reaction. It’s also Blizzard - they refuse to move quickly, and they very rarely change their mind based on feedback without a lot of dragging of feet.
Just like a game producer landed out of nowhere in the Fresh topic to “calm down” the lowest minority we have for the fresh realms in regards of their transfers??
Doesn’t seem to help much your argument.
Holding the transfers costs 0 developing hours, hence, my point.
Blizzard scrambling to try and calm down people who want the actual feature being planned, and the entire point behind it to avoid people moving in with gold cap.
It doesn’t matter if it takes dev time to re-engineer a system. That doesn’t have anything to do with their current decision to not add it.
- One has a LARGE (to not say HUGE) portion of the player base complaining about.
- The other is just a couple of randoms complaining about it.
- Has development needed to get done
- Has no development required
My point stands: the reason to not add Dungeon Finder is that they don’t want to deal with the required engineering.
Tell me you’re not an engineer without telling me
Gonna need receipts on this,
The reason they don’t want to is it makes them more money, and relenting this quickly would show their intended design (they said they “thought” the playerbase would like no-LFD) does not fit with players.
It’s arrogance.
Well, they didn’t have any of the data from Classic, that’s the problem. Classic itself is built on a modified Legion/BFA client as a foundation for the game itself.
For Wrath though, they have the coding, not to mention all the current private servers that are active plus the actual 3.3.5 client is out to download from various sources.
So it is entirely possible for them to work Dungeon Finder/RDF into Wrath, but honestly, I’m anti-dungeon finder myself cause A. I have a guild that actually runs stuff and will continue to run stuff and B. it’d be nice having to find the entrances of each dungeon again.
Will I change my mind and eventually want dungeon finder? Yeah, probably, ya know, when I start wanting to be lazy, but at the start? Nahhhh, I’ma love not having dungeon finder, regardless of coding.
Also, before anyone says anything about them adding Dungeon Finder, I said possible, not feasible, because there’s no telling what kind of state Blizz’s Wrath is in.
click on search and start doing it.
I did dude but all I found were articles on how lfd destroyed the game DUDE What’s the name for that again??
Low IQ reader
“X destroyed the game” is incredibly common for everything.
I’ve seen people saying it about pet battles.
Do you think DPS has an easier time spamming trade chat though? Whatever state grouping in the game is at, RDF only makes it better, even if slightly
You really don’t know what you’re talking about.
A couple guys running a private server can make dungeon finder work, and Blizz can’t? Get real.
RDF was the beginning of the ‘faceless NPC’ mindset. However, just RDF (and server locked) alone would not do that. It’s when LFR came in, then CRZ that it really got bad.
I truly believe that the only reason they aren’t including LFD is so people will be more pressured into buying boosts.
Classic leveling is super fun for sure and leagues better than retails leveling, but what’s not fun is sitting in a capital city spamming “LF TANK”.
People are going to look at the time they are wasting searching for a group and realize time is money.
Costs like $60 to buy a boost, but who cares when you are spending 4 hours looking for a tank. It’s all a money scheme.