"The Alliance only gets focus because it makes sense for the story being told."

You already acknowledged it was Alliance content.
You played yourself.


No, I didn’t. Read it again. You said alliance in mind, all I stated was why you would think a story about the titans and the earthen wouldn’t have dwarves or Magni in it. Literally the diamond dude who talks to Azeroth and been a thing written like a decade ago.

Alliance content? Mate, it is Titan content.

I fear for media literacy with you, I truly do.


And you responded to “it’s alliance” with “Well duh titans and azeroth are related to dwarves.”


Never said it’s alliance, I said it’s dwarves. And yes, dwarves and titans go hand in hand since vanilla.

That is your biggest issues. You can’t divorce the faction from the race. Titan/Earthen/Dwarf storyline is NOT an alliance storyline.


Yes, Roleplaying as different characters in an mmorpg. You don’t say. Also I was being tongue in cheek against that one blood elf poster that only complains, like you lol.

Take off your private option, I would love to see your other profiles

People like him are Just looking to play the victim.

No amount of Horde focus will ever be enough. Any chance to claim Alliance bias they will take, and ignore mountains of evidence to the contrary.

They will always pretend they are the victim, because that is how they want to be seen.


Basically, it even shows when they can’t divorce faction storyline to race storyline and how they aren’t the same.

Like that one blood elf poster on these forums that is complaining about killing goblins because they are horde and I kept correcting them that only the bilgewater cartel are horde, the goblins as a whole are neutral.

I am a big Forsaken fan and I am happy different races are getting the spotlight. I dread the days where it was all Human/Orc (with a little Night Elf). We got Earthen/Dwarf/Goblin stuff in TWW and most likely getting Blood Elf/Void Elf stuff in Midnight.

Also Bran is cool.


The fun part is how it doesn’t work the other way around. Kill Goblins or Trolls and they complain it is killing Horde. Meanwhile we have killed TONS of human characters and they say we never kill Alliance aligned characters. Last expac we killed a bunch of Night Elves, even including ones that were formerly part of the Alliance. But, oddly none of them counted those as killing Alliance characters.

They only equate race with faction when it fits a specific narrative they are trying to tell. Which just proves the absurdity of their argument.

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I long for an expansion based around the worgen and the forsaken doing spooky things and being the main heroes of their respective factions

But knowing blizzard and especially this community? They’d have a collective meltdown over it


Dude, Night Elf players were constantly talking about how badly their race was treated. And I agreed with them the whole time. It’s just that their race has ALSO been given TONS of focus from Shadowlands to Dragonflight. Night Elves got more focus thab the Forsaken in Shadowlands was criminal too.

Humans are like, the most favored race in the entire game.


I would love this so much (or even a focus of a major patch)

We have already set up the Scarlet Crusade as enemies of both and it would be fun to explore both Forsaken/Worgen working together. Forsaken would get the spotlight without being villains (but still have spooky edge) and a real updated Northern Eastern Kingdoms would be so fun to explore.


I don’t think it would be a collective meltdown. Rather, just a few VERY loud people making it seem like a big deal.


That’s true. The Usual Suspects as it were :dracthyr_nod:


“Hey Horde players. Your ex warchief, who betrayed you and killed as many of you as possible through subterfuge and manipulation, was the big boss of an expansion you weren’t even in.”

I can’t believe people are trying to claim Shadowlands was a horde expansion.

Full mask off “I don’t care if people know I’m a liar.” status.




Keep complaining human alliance undead

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There’s a certain level of irony that gets lost in these kind of complaints when you realize that blizz has left a good chunk of the alliance roster ignored and forgotten for literal years now.

I’m sure most Worgen, gnomes players would love just a QUARTER of the attention that elves and humans constantly receive. But you know, there’s always this assumption when people complain about the alliance being the center of attention and assuming we all enjoy it.

Human potential is a meme for a reason after all.


I mean they didn’t have any idea how they were going to actually implement that bad plan, which makes it basically not a plan.

And Alliance players will complain about working with a Horde character, and they won’t accept “Well, you had Brann in TWW” as an answer. Blizzard could have headed off this whole situation by just not doing it this way.