The Alliance Domination in Battlegrounds: Just Luck or a Rising Trend?

Is it just me, or is the Alliance winning every Battleground game now?

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alliance has always been the superior faction, nothing new


It is 100% just you.

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Been playing on Alliance since the end of vanilla and I clearly remember many years when Horde were dominating BGs, PvP in general, PvE and basically everything.

Not intending to sound condescending, but genuinely curious, when did you guys start playing?


hl 37.
you dont have a sample size big enough to make an educated guess.
its 100% you.

It’s all mixed now. There’s no ally vs horde in rated. If you talking randos, then who cares

cast my vote for randos mattering

maybe make randos good for leveling

i vote no to “good for leveling”. low level bgs are currently populated by 3 types of players. much like a venn diagram there will be some overlap so don’t get all aggro if any of you personally feel attacked.

player a doesn’t know any better. an actual new player.
player b knows better but is fine with losing bgs because they are either “having fun” or “trying out a new spec”.
player c knows better and basically twinks their alts for maximum fun while pvp leveling

if bgs became “good for leveling” the player b population would increase and game quality would continue to degrade. there needs to be another reward besides welfare xp/honor for bgs under max level.

maybe. i always win every bg i play :sunglasses:
(except the ones i dont)

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This is incorrect. I have over 370 blitz games and I would say more than 80 percent of the time I am put on the horde side. It definitely prioritizes your faction.

I feel this way too, I feel like I have only been horde in WSG and Twin Peaks a couple times at most

Well night elf is completely overpowered.

So when a race is as overpowered as night elf is all the good players/sweats all flock en mass to 1 faction to take advantage of it and then the legions of rerollers who just follow whatever the top players do follow them and then all of a sudden you have most of the decent players on one faction.

Which eventually leads to imbalanced bgs among other things.

Which is calculated and planned by blizzard of course they intentionally make 1 race overtuned to get everyone to purchase faction changes leave it alone for awhile to maximize the amount of people switching and then flip the coin and make a race on the other faction overtuned to repeat the process. But many people don’t see that for what it is and just reroll without a 2nd thought.


For the Ally !

Shadowmeld has been the same racial since end of TBC and Horde were still the dominant faction up until maybe SL.

the orc bloodfury nerf and subsequent alliance transfers showcased how hard the “good” players crutch on one or 2 little things. you can still see some of this attitude in every “zomg use lust” post.

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Its your battle group not all alliance.
My battle group isnt that good at all on alliance, I lose most of the time.

And yes they still exist!!

Battle groups haven’t been a thing since Cata.

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OK. :rofl: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Imagine staying ignorant.

Removed near start of Cata for BGs, and not till MoP for arenas.

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Imagine believing what Blizz says. You know like “we cant do classic because we dont have the code stored”…

Pot meet kettle.