Whenever i try to do the quest the dude just vanishes after he talks about the rift. Ive done all the War Within quests and i still cannot get the dude to start the part where he summons whatever he has too.
I’m getting the same issue on my shaman. Trying to get some transmogs by finishing this questline.
Ritssyn just vanishes when he runs into the room? I imagine it’s because the area is being affected by the pre-patch event. Maybe it’ll change when the event is over in a few weeks?
I am also getting this same issue as of tonight
I am also having this issue on my Death Knight. I’ve also been trying to farm for the hidden artifact appearance for Apocalypse, which hasn’t dropped with over two hours in the Proving Grounds.
+1 on this, so frustrating, been happening for the last week now.
I’m experiencing the same issue with my mage
I wanna pull my hair out daily with this quest. I’ve reload/load so many times trying to get this to work.
Still down, has to be a phasing issue. Guess we will find out in a week when the event is over.
It’s a waste of time not being able to do it now, we’ll be busy soon…
i have the same issue
Same issue. I’ve wasted hours worth of time trying to figure out how to get proper phasing in quests. Logout, login, abandon, accept, do entire other worthless quest chains, etc. I’m just trying to get my class mount for my warrior. The pre-reqs are all flubbed up. One of the most frustrating times I’ve ever had in this game to date.
Same issue.
Ritssyn runs into the room, which is supposed to have a small fel portal but he just yells about all the rifts then disappears after channeling.
I tried going to chromie to see if I could timewalk but I’m capped so I can’t go that route.
It might be due to the pre-patch event?
Can’t complete it on a DK alt either…
Same issue.
Same here, Ritssyn just disappears, no way to progress.
This is also happening to me on my death knight main. Any word on a possible fix?
He vanishes before he can channel a spell here too. Rogue working on her class mount. I finally was excited to figure out how to see world quests and then get stuck with this one. Oh well.
Death Knight here, stuck in the exact same quest in the exact same way. Raised a ticket and pretty much got told to chill and the devs will at some point do something about it