The achievement "A Series of Echoes" is still not updating

I’ve completed the World Soul event “Ancient Explorers” twice now, and it has not given me credit yet. Both times it was completed in a raid group after using 5 Radiant Echoes.

I have completed Worldsoul Memory: Descendants of Distant Waters twice now on 2 different rotations and it won’t update for me in the Achievement. It’s the only one I’m “missing” from the achievement but it also means I can’t do the level 3 memories…

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Yup, Ancient Explorers wont complete for me too.

I’ve completed it twice on two different characters but get it to credit for the achievement.

Did you make sure you killed the main NPC that spawns as the objective a minute or so before your timer in the scenario is over? I had seen a wowhead comment that it was required for the run to count for the “do 25 worldsoul memory events” achievement, so I’m thinking it would affect credit for this achievement, also. I did all 8 events for credit in the past week or so and didn’t have any issues receiving credit, but I did kill the final NPC before I left.