The 9.1 PvP gear change didnt acctualy fix anything, it only changed the meta

In the first season of Shadowlands this expansion was a PvP expansion because the “easiest otainable best gear” came from PvP
With 1800 rating you could almost get mythic raiding gear and more and more people realised it which eventualy created a pvp season with a lot of participation and sent boosting services to all time highs

Now in 9.1 when PvP gear instead are lower ilvls and scale up the meta in the game has changed.

Mythic+ Vault reward
Doing a lvl 15 key weekly rewards u with a 252 item which is EXTREMELY viable in both PvP(If it has Versa on it) and PvE
Unless you are a mythic raider or have duelist rating in PvP there is nothing else that comes close to this high ilvl and its a very high chance that any other gear u obtain will be replaced by a weekly +15 item

This has caused another problem because its limited to 1 per week it makes the game even more alt unfriendly/new players unfriendly than it was in season 1

In the first season even tho towards the end it was difficult to get higher pvp rating it was at least farmable to get it
In Season 2 now, for every week that passes and u arent getting a +15 reward in the vault u will be 1 more week behind the rest


First off, I dont think the pvp scaling system acctualy was needed to begin with.
The ilvl of gear for respective rating in PvP in season 1 was just too high and should have been lowered
1800 rating maybe should have been 213 ilvl gear for example which would have balanced the meta when talking about farmable gear from Raids, PvP and M+

But even if u would have done that instead of creating the scaling item system we would have ended up in the same situation we are now…
M+ Reward in the vault is just too high

The raid and pvp section of the Vault rewards items that matches what u have achieved,
If u do heroic raid u get heroic raid gear in the vault
If u win games at 1800 rating in PvP u get 1800 rating gear in the vault

Why should the m+ section be different than the rest?

Therefor, NERF the gear rewarded from M+ in the vault AND INCREASE the ilvl of gear that drops at the end of dungeon in M+ instead so that both these values match each other
Also make it so that people can pick 2 or 3 items in the vault every week aswell
Maybe even more if players have missed out on a few weeks in the vault

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ya lotta tim , pepole wanna have fun , pepole wanna get up grape then the WOW game say on the elitsit we get u all the gears , can gatesnep the gears on regaler player so there cant do a fun no gears for then ! HAHAHAHAHAHAH then the elitsit go HAHAHAHAHAHA then the casual go to other game that get more fun gears for then , let then get powers in random battle grond dont gotta do rated of SWEAT PEPOLE , and elitsits go WOW i dont no it is SORPRISE how can pepole predist that if u no get fun , u dont stay here to make winner ,

gotta get loser to have winner , be respec to the loser TO !


you think they actually care? they just want the money and to keep players “engaged” for their metrics for investors.

Dead horse crap game

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