The 500 mount changed to another recolor shows no one on the team cares about their long term subs

You’re nothing but a dollar sign to them. 500 mounts takes a very, VERY long time for anyone with a life. The original complaint was that the yeti was a recolor of a few Warlords mounts, so obviously it comes off that it’s a lazy reward. How is an otter recolor that mostly everyone will get through Dragonflight quest prog sound like a good idea?

Can someone else be put in charge of the Rewards team? This is a joke.


It’s so funny how many people on this forum will bend over backwards defending terrible game design by blizzard.

They take your 15$ every month to buy champagne and spit it in the players faces

“Oh thank you for my salary, I will change the otter to blue instead of red this month”

Half the regulars should be banned for trolling but they stopped paying mods so it’s the wild west now.

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I’m gonna be pretty mad in 13 years when I get 500 mounts :rage::rage::rage:


It’s better than the yeti in my opinion, but I was definitely not expecting something that looks like it was stolen from the rep vendor.

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I agree. I was expecting something that would fly.

As collector, I wouldn’t recommend this game at least at this point of my life, my friends already played WoW and left(Sometimes they comeback) , but I can’t recommend this game to new players, I just feel dissapointed, I’ll continue collecting because it’s my favorite thing about WoW , however this kind of Dev response…Devs didn’t wait more that 1 alpha build to change the mount…They have the CC forums, GD forums, Reddit, Twitter…etc to research ideas and feedback and do something different.

At least DF gameplay got some good changes based on previous feedback but the cosmetic rewards…nothing, They’ll continue using the Store for Unique mounts.

What happend to the Devs that implemented a Crab mount for 8.2? That was an unique mount, but recently all the new meta achievement like Breaking the Chains


From A to Zereth


Devs got lazy with rewards…