The 2h leggo not dropping has killed my will to play s4

see ya in the war within! hopefully they dont repeat this awful mistake that makes 2 equally skilled players be seperated by upwards of 300k damage over all from hitting the loot lottery


My axe does millions of dmg. It’s an 8% dmg increase. I killed H Fyrakk 15 times. Every warrior, paladin and dk without it is 8% behind everyone else.


Is this the two-hand axe from the last fight off of Fyrakk? I’ve been running three characters through that raid since Season 3 and still not gotten it yet on my two Fury / Protection Warriors.


yeah, hitting the loot lottery is not the way to describe it. the vast majority of players who got fyralath killed heroic fyrakk around 12-15 times.

if you put in the work during season 3, you would have guaranteed have it by now.


What does it matter? At that point you’ve obviously cleared the raid multiple times. The legendary is a nice to have, not a must have.

If they were equally skilled, they’d both have the legendary…

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I got mine last month after 4+ months of LFR kills.


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Are you running Heroic or higher? Because the very, very, low drop rate off LFR/Normal doesn’t have any guarantee after X kills like Heroic (15) and Mythic (6) do.


I just dont play s4 because its boring.

I mean seriously making us do the exact same dungeons we did in s1 and s2 despite how poorly recieved most of those dungeons were.

I got bored after like 10 keys and quit for the season

Which is not a lot when player skill differences can lead to someone being 70% behind someone else.


I feel this with every fiber of my being im tired of farming fyrakk just to watch no one get it every week. Last week 2 dropped but they were 100% chance drops because they had cleared it enough times.

I wish I had done more research and saw blizzard hadn’t learned their lessons from legion. I would have waited until TWW to come back. Starting late in S3 means there is no chance.

Blizzard, rng legendaries were stupid back in legion, why you no learn lesson?

Honestly why not just massively buff ashkandur for the late arrivals and bad luck folks? Triple the proc rate or something.

if after 20 pulls in a gacha game you are guaranteed a 4 star you still did 19 pulls for a chance each
is it not a lottery? seems like it to me

Reminds me of Legion legendary. (that wrist for fire mages)

Okay, now hold on; the axe is an ~8% DPS increase, which is admittedly very very large for a single piece, but that is NOT 300k DPS, at all.

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The drop becomes guaranteed at around 14 heroics. The only lottery is if you got it before then but 14 was perfectly doable in season 3.

They set the drop rate to this stuff to be around 13 weeks, conveniently covering 3 months of subscription time.

Never do rng legendaries again
just make it a questline lmao
i thought blizzard learned from legion but i guess not


Of the three guilds I am in that run the raid, one is my original server, and everyone quit the game at least 7 years ago. The next guild started to raid as they invited me to raid but about month after I rarely see anyone online. The final guild is my personal guild, and no one is in the guild but 21 of my alts and main.

I won’t pay for a raid as I try to earn my gear or help others raid, so if the Loot gods feel it isn’t my time to have the item even with the percentage increase item, then so be it.

RNG feels bad.

Should be a guaranteed group loot drop from mythic Fryakk only

Bam, RNG gone.

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