The 11.1 MM rotation rework will be felt as a nerf by most players


I love MM and want the rework to be a success, but IMO it’s not hitting the mark currently. I think the majority of players will feel very “nerfed” on release day:

  • the “Spotter’s mark” mechanic (30% chance on consuming precise shots to increase the next Aimed shot by 20%) is weak and too RNG. When you press Trueshot, one proc is guaranteed, but after that sometimes you don’t get other procs at all for the whole Trueshot duration. There is even a talent that gives you 4% haste for each proc - good luck stacking this to more than 2
  • Trueshot feels very weak currently, and even if you do everything right, you’d still have to cast a few “slow” aimed shots with just 1 stack of streamline during its duration and this feels like a big punishment. Also, most people will really miss spamming aimed shots during Trueshot, and this will feel as a nerf
  • Withering fire feels very weak and inconsequential - you turn purple and scary, but in reality all you get is a Deathblow proc, in which you’re swimming anyway so it’s never felt, and some weak AOE cleave. This might be one of the weakest hero talent capstones currently on 11.1
  • The decreased auto shot speed and reduced lock and load procs rate will come as a shock to most players. I completely understand their value has increased significantly, therefore must be rarer, but people will feel “nerfed” again

There are 2 talents that are paramount for making the rotation feel smooth:

  • No scope (rapid fire gives you precise shots)
  • Moving target (precise shots gives you streamline)
    They don’t sound great on paper, so a lot of players will not know to take them and the rotation will feel stiff

There are too many talents that buff Trueshot in different ways. Let’s put it this way - Trueshot feels very bad baseline, and then you take 5 talents to make it feel less bad, but it still feels bad in the end.

For all the above reasons, I think that on release day there will be a multitude of players who will rush to try out MM due to the hype, and will hate the new rotation and will say the “old one was better”.