As I read the comments, I did think for a little bit that people were being too hostile and critical, but the more I think about it… They’re kinda right.
I’m okay with the patch being a secret. I’m hoping it’ll at least be fun. But coming out with a “Dev Update” JUST to tell people “Aye, this will only be around for a little while so you better hurry up and do it or you’ll lose out lol have fun” is just pathetic.
You’ve been getting feedback for weeks, months, YEARS that people are SICK and TIRED of FOMO. Stop creating content that you plan to permanently delete from the game. What a waste of time.
How are you deciding over how people feel about specific things? Saying “That doesn’t change the fact that IT IS FOMO.” as a statement of how others feel is so wrong because you don’t get to dictate what people feel, what you should say is “IN MY PERSONAL FEELINGS ITS FOMO”… and fair that’s how you feel and its nothing wrong with that.
What is that comparison even? wow is a video game… with stuff made out of pixels…
Even if I am not affected by something, I still advocate for fixing it because it affects other people.
At least when I’m active. Right now I’m on semi-break for WoW, so although I would have been advocating for the hearthstone event fixes that just happened, I did everything day 1 by buying things from other people specifically so I could avoid logging on wow longer lol.
And I’m only on the forums right now cause I did my weekly druid run of Tindral in Amirdrassil (and got it finally), and the world boss (did not get it), and to look if a Talthonei group was up (there was not) x_x
And now I’m procrastinating getting off the computer. Lol.
I don’t understand why people think we aren’t allowed to dislike something in the game while playing it.
Like ??? If the only people allowed to play WoW were people who loved every aspect of it, you’d have like, Titanspite and 3 others in the entire world.
And yet you have made MULTIPLE posts in this thread telling people there’s no FOMO because you don’t feel it.
Pot, meet kettle.
Also, if I think the sky is blue, but someone else is colorblind and says it’s grey, that doesn’t change the fact the sky is blue, but to each person, they are still correct to themselves. You are the one who sees it as grey in this case, if that wasn’t obvious.
Right, but who exactly is this going to FOMO more sub fees out of?
No one is going to come back from quitting the game out of fear of missing some vague pirate event, and no one who already wants to quit is going to care about this.