The 10.2 Gladiator Mount Choice and Future Tint Selection Rewards as an Incentive to PvP

Now, while I can appreciate a new tint variation on the gummy worm looking slitherdrake, why isn’t the next gladiator mount one of the other dragonriding mounts? Furthermore, why isn’t the new gladiator mount related to the greater theme of the 10.2 patch, the Emerald Dream?

For instance, I figured the velocidrake would have been the next one as soon as the Emerald Dream was confirmed. As far as I could tell regarding the initial dragonflight questing was over, this was the green dragonflight’s specific mount.

A gladiator mount based on this not only would give us another distinct mount type but it would not be a simple recolor. As much as might like the green gummy worm, they could have also made the new gladiator mount based on any of the other mount types. These mount types being the Cliffside Wylderdrake, Renewed proto-drake, or more notably the Grotto Netherwing drake since we are doing stuff with the netherwing this upcoming patch.

Does anyone else feel like they were a bit quick to pick a recolor over other options?

To be fair though, I would not mind tint variations for the existing gladiator dragonriding mounts they added if they made it reward based. For instance, if you get 2400 in multiple brackets, it unlocked certain tint colors to the dragons. This could mean for say the 10.2 mount, if you get 2400 in 3s, you unlock the base mount. Then after which you have unlocked the gladiator mount, you would be eligible to earn a tint for 2400 in solo shuffle, 2v2, and rbgs. Then, is 2400 too high of a rating for some of these tints in other brackets after achieving this in 3v3? Then if you unlock them all, maybe they give you a skittle like tint for it all?

Regardless, I think it could be a good way to incentivize more people into playing other brackets even if they just added the tint idea for the vicious mounts too where there are different colors for which bracket you earned the mount in during that season.

These are only my thoughts but what do you think?


The s3 mount is nice, stop.

The Wyvern, Proto and Raptor are so ugly it makes zero sense why people are complaining about it.

There’s also a good chance that we’ll be getting a purple s1 recolor for s4 so please for the love of god just go with it till next season so we don’t get a purple raptor instead.

I swear you guys find anything to complain about and this is coming from the guy who initially didn’t like the worm dragon (granted only because I wanted s1 recolor instead).

The worm dragon is far superior to the proto, wyvern and raptor. If not green s1, I think green s2 recolor is fine (and like I said it looks nice the blue underscales in wings/belly are pretty nice).


I am not saying it isn’t nice. In fact, this tint is better than the first one. I just want the door open to more options. You disregarded the entire second half of the post. We want more options as players, not less.

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More options in this situation = not better.

:nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:

:nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:

:nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:

If anything, they should have had the worm dragon be the RSS mount (for legend+) and kept recoloring the s1 mount.

Recolors are nice because here’s the thing: not everyone likes red, maybe some people like blue or purple.

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The shuffle mount difference actually could be a cool idea. That purple is amazing, can’t argue against that one. In general, though, there are people like me that like each of them. Hence, it is more of the option to have tints to specific versions I feel could be a better incentive. Of course, this is all subjective. You might not like them as much as others do.


That highland drake in purple is amazing! We only have two other purple mounts similar to this. That highland drake purple would be a great addition to the game

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i assumed we’d get a gladiator skin of the new dragonriding mount but im glad they didnt do that, a faerie drake mount lol.

also did anyone see the “violet gladiator’s drake” on the PTR scripts? I wonder if thats insight into s4.

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Triple the size of the wings on the gummy worm so it actually looks like a cool dragon mount with big glowing wings like the S1 Mount.

you keep saying this and i still don’t see it