The #1 Worst Class Overall in Shadowlands.-

You may not enjoy min max, but you’re delusional to try to say there is no worst. Everything in life has a worst. You can enjoy something that is the worst, but from an objective standpoint, it still is.

People have posts like this because they enjoy discussing it.
Its ironic that you say just do what you want to do, but scold these people from talking about what they want to talk about.


There really is no worst in the game. If you’re basing your opinions off some sims from a raid encounter then you’re going to be calling every class that isn’t #1 bad. Every class is perfectly viable as long as your not trying to be worlds first in something.

Can you back up your stance with facts? Because you cant.


What facts are you looking for? That each class can do everything just fine in the game?


Completing content in the game was never the question. How far in the sand is your head?


Youre arguing based on the assumption that worst means non viable. Worst can be based on any number of factors. Worst performing, worst feeling, or most buggy. And if everything is within 1% there can still be a worst, even if its not bad.


I don’t think there is a worse class, just some builds that are really hard off right now. But even then they have other options that are doing well, so the class isn’t bad off. Frost mages, assassination rogues, frost DKs, havoc DH and fury warriors are all doing pretty bad right now.


Frost DK. Particularly 2h

DW BoS is the highest performing sub-spec and it barely qualifies for mid pack. Its just sub-par. 2h is ~10% lower than DW BoS so 2h is currently competing with Sin Rogue and Frost Mage for the worst ST dps in the entire game.

Except Frost DK has garbage AoE and s—t mobility on top of it. So seriously why play one? They bring absolutely NOTHING unique to the raid because Unholy has it all covered while also doing so much more damage that they could die 3/4 of the way through a fight and still outdamage a 2h FDK.


I agree with you. There is no worst class it just comes down to number tuning but every class can finish all available content. As long as you’re not pushing for world first people shouldn’t not bring your class just because of what some sims say on a raid encounter. Everything else is pure opinion.

There are a lot of bad specs. But the worst class right now has got to be Warrior. 2/3 specs are the worst at what they do while the 3rd is average at best.

Warlocks are not far behind. 2/3 specs are also bad but their 3rd spec is really good.


Cries in 2h OB player I wont play BoS

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you asked for facts on my reasoning and my reasoning clearly says every class is viable for all content available.

Just going to respond to the folks saying Survival because honestly it’s not a bad spec, there’s a lot of stigma attached to “oOoOH meLeE hUnTeR” but I smash everything I do.

I love the spec, it’s super fun, I love the theme of it and it’s so satisfying.

When compared to MM yes. BM? Not even close.

There are issues with the spec absolutely, in some way every spec in the game has something not 100% but that doesn’t mean it’s crap.


Being viable for content is not factor in determining which class is the worst. Try again.


Okay and I think there is no worst class because of every class being viable. Can you define what your idea of a “worst” class is. It’s a pure opinion.

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Please stop. Read the topic of discussion. The topic of discussion is not, and I’ll repeat this since you are not comprehending this, the topic of discussion is not whether a class is viable or not.
You can have all the philosophical discussions you want about even healers being able to clear content, but that is not what is up for discussion here.
I’m not trying to sound condascending but arguing for the sake of arguing is kind of odd.


I know your pain. I’ve been waiting 5 years to play 2h Frost again and this is what we get? Unacceptable.


There will always always be a “worst” class. By any numerical metric, there will always be a best and worst.



Prot is the worst tank spec by far and fury is not great.


Prot, Frost mage, Frost DK. Class tuning really needs to happen on a more frequent basis.
Covenants did nothing to help this and should have been transmog only.