I must be blind, because I don’t see any difference between Krexus on the loading screen and Krexus in-game. They even have the exact same skin color. I’m looking really hard too.
Both Krexus and Vyraz are green. But Krexus is a lighter green than what we see in the loading screen while Vyraz is a darker green than what we see in the loading screen. So there are some lighting issues involved and skin color isn’t a reliable indicator.
If the picture showed his legs, it would be easier to identify. Krexus has long hooved legs while Vyraz has short human-like legs.
But the body type seems more like Vyraz, as Krexus has a slender abdominal region while Vyraz is stocky like the picture. But that could be an art style thing rather than a representation of actual anatomy.
In the end the best evidence I can provide that this is Vyraz with Krexus’ armor instead of Krexus is simply the fact that he is on Team Raid Boss in the image and Krexus is dead and Vyraz killed him and kept his stuff and he is on Team Jailer.
Fair enough. Your theories are usually pretty well thought out, and I think it’s rather plausible that Vyraz will be a raid boss if we don’t end up killing him at some point in the Maldraxxus covenant questline. Him wearing Krexus’s armor would be a great way to add insult to injury… and would also result in me mashing my keys ten times harder as I dps him down.
Also, the poor guy is still using a generic Maldraxxus gladiator model. They have to do something to his model if he’s as important as he seems to think he is.
Necrolord Campaign SpoilersWe don't fight Vyraz in the campaign. We kill Margrave Gharmal, then we discover that Kel'thuzad was the actual villain, manipulating the House of Rituals. We end up teaming up with the Venthyr and Margrave Sin'dane (the Lich Lady) to beat Kel'thuzad, but the Mawsworn Kyrian rescue slippery old KT at the last moment and everybody is like "wut". That's how the campaign ends. For now.