That warlock 6 pc t3 is lookin juicy

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Very cool. Too bad I’ll never get to use it because Curse of Reck has to be kept up on every boss.
Might be cool if Blizz could at least roll the armor shred effect into Chaos so I could play the class and spec I want, and use the new tier bonus.

I’m also wondering if Blizzard plays DPS warlocks at all? Affliction hard caps on threat SO FAST now. They’ve nerfed the Fetish of the Sand Reaver active, AND removed the T3 set reduction.
What’s the point of giving us so much damage if your damage cap is always locked to tank threat, when all the other DPSers never have to worry about this? Or are we supposed to pull agro and die mid fight, and then SS to clear our threat?

As a warrior, can’t relate. Just play a class that does garbage damage and you don’t have to worry about threat.

Blizzard seems happy with where warriors are at since the set bonuses are 20% deep wounds damage (lol) and 1.5s off BT (lmao even)

I hope this excludes pvp. /hides

hehe dont worry. players dont count as the same “undead” as mobs.

otherwise heh.

My guild lead is a DPS Lock so for our first lockout once we finish prog is going to be just tank/healing and the only DPS each fight will be locks to get the 100s locked in for the GLead

Love me some parsing

heh someone mentioned the gothic fight with the two sides, you can curse him right away and the sides last for like 5 mins or more so … that coa is gonna be ticking hard and instantly pulling aggro :smiley: .

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fk yeah I’m ready to make sure blizz never adds a fun set bonus ever again

lol. i think it will be fine.

really its one of those bonuses that gets better the crappier your raids dps is lol.

Not that I care much about PvE anymore but +20% deep wounds(usually your #2 damage on meters) and permanent +25% damage to Undead in Naxxramas seems like its gonna be wild.

It’s 3rd behind heroic strike and white hits, it’s also the least interesting thing they could give us. And the 6p is going to lead to hilarious parse culture moments where you spend 1 minute hitting a trash mob before pulling the boss so everyone has stacked 6p.

It’s actually incredibly frustrating that auto attacks and a bleed are our largest damage sources. Bloodthirst and WW just aren’t enough. Raging Blow is mid, Overpower is mid, Execute is garbage with no scaling, Slam procs are nice but still not nearly enough. They filled in our buttons to press so we don’t just BT/WW/HS+Hamstring spam, we have actual fillers now, but all our sources are garbage.

They should add soul shatter from tbc as a book