That Time Again

It’s that time again fellow RPers, where I, your local altaholic, need assistance with a fresh start: need help suggesting a new main.

I’ve had difficulty deciding where I want to go with the War Within coming, as I’m usually bogged down with a billion ideas and end up spreading myself too thin across too many characters instead of picking 1 or 2 characters to focus on.

So here’s where you come in. What are we lacking? Horde or Alliance side. Any particular race or class combo we’re running short on? Just wanted to get some feedback from my fellow story tellers. Thanks for your time!

Greetings Qastore! I’m Mr. Savin, leader of the goblin monks.

Goblin monks are few in number, but great in deals. We’d be happy to have you come, learn, and namastay for a life time of golden experiences.


I see what you did there! But do goblins have the discipline for monks and general monk-ery? :thinking:

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Discipline comes in many forms. Several monk schools teach to look inward to find strength within. We teach to look outwards, finding power in things, people, and currency.


Male Human Warrior named Fred Hank.

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I rarely see Dark Iron Dwarves or Kul Tirans running around. We need more thiccness.

I heard there’s a sickness for such things.