That gold token inflation is legit

Gold flowed from the hands of people who had tons of it to the hands of those swiping their Credit Cards who are spending like its going out of style… Just like RL stimmies.


I mean consumables were so cheap I doubt people who are selling tokens for a measley 7k gold need that quantity of consumables that they couldn’t afford it prior to the token.

They aren’t going thru consumables faster because of the token.


Its not that… Its that the sellers know there is more money out there so the prices are now higher because in practice the gold is worth less.

More liquidity in the market (more gold in actual circulation) means inflation (higher prices)



Yea idk, it isn’t like that on Benediction.


Sometimes I’m wondering how people are able to breath. The nonsense you just wrote is next level.
If you want to say with that sentence that you want to play era, go ahead, have fun!

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I literally have not noticed a change in prices on anything.


Because it hasn’t. It’s some kind of tinfoil hat theory in the forums again.
Token. does. not. spawn. gold.
Token. does. not. inflate.
Is it the best system ever for Classic? No. But spreading misinformation is hilarious


Plus at the end of the day who gives a damn? Gold is so easy to get in WOTLK without token or gdkp or buying it.
There are literally 5 different dungeon farms just about any class can do that net 600-800g per hour just selling everything to vendor.
This is not going to stop someone from raiding in a guild or doing PvP.


You’re correct, but its not that there is more total gold in WoW, its that there is more gold in circulation.


That’s also not true. The gold was always there.
No server has gotten any significant price increase. The only thing you can list of is a darkmoon card which price changes from day to day.

I get that you don’t understand economics but sheeesh… I give up


You don’t have to give up because you didn’t even start in the first place.
There is literally no proof of your claim and, in fact, economics say that inflation happens when there is more gold and not when gold is traded. And that’s literally the title of this thread
C’mon it’s just getting hilarious


Some grobb farmers are probably throwing “but I risked pvp” charges in.

Whitemane markets for stuff I look at are about the same as last week. and the week before that. I’ve actually been here more since the JJ buff run went to the blood elf shadow priest.

Same for ob. Lots of my items of interest have been crap priced for weeks on end.

You don’t understand do you, well lets try and get you to understand some really basic economics.

Lets say there is a fixed value of gold total on a server and 70% of the gold is not in circulation because its being horded by players who have it presently.

The 30% that is in the hands of the poor is in circulation (active circulation)

Now that gold token is in game, some of that 70% that was not in active circulation is now in circulation; the people selling things on the AH are now charging more because they can, because the market will bare the cost.

No new gold was added, but the prices went up because there is more in active circulation.


Thanks for your first attempt. It’s a pretty weak one but here we go.

You are in theory right however you forget that this would mean you also get more. There is more gold in circulation and its distributed evenly instead of whales that dominate your server.
In fact, what you just showed is the exact opposite of inflation. It makes that everyone is getting more gold while the prices stay relative stable. Yes, you heard it right. The prices are relative stable. Check your auction house again.

Besides, let’s make this clear. Token is a region-wide system not a realm-wide system. So it doesn’t work like you think it does.

The only things that increases the prices of your mats or items is:

  • Less bots
  • People preparing for phase 3 (which is mostly likely what happened with the trinket)
  • People flipping

At the end I also want to add: Who the hell spends $20 for 7k.


Literally why i posted bro.

Something doesn’t add up friend.
Even on my server the prices barely increased and I have a ton of whales on my server

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Grob is apparently different.

I was collecting transmogs to put in my bank until it comes when they were still low priced af.

That’s about to change

It will settle.