That Darn Fox!

Hello im new player in WoW. i want ask Is this quest bug ? still not fix ? because i try many way to complete it but still cannot complete it. the animation say i already success catch renny but renny still out of my character hand. i try many ways including off addon, disable all buff and try many trick but still bugged. Renny still not in my character hand even tho i succes catch it. anyone ?

Thank you

me pasa igual, pude pasar la primera parte esperándolo en un punto, pero cuando me llevo a bastion hace la animación que se subió a mis brazos mi personaje queda con los brazos extendidos pero Renny vuelve al lugar donde inicia como para empezar de nuevo la misión y intente varias forma y no pude avanzar de este punto

Still bugged. Tried every suggestion I have come across and still nothing. Tired of seeing others get teleported and I just sit there. Did get sent to Bastion once but the same problem. Seems I can’t catch that darn fox. Time to fix that fox blizzard!