Yeah that was probably the best CoD campaign I’ve experienced in a decade. There’s something about this one that really kicks butt compared to the others.
From the graphics upgrade and scene rendering that are starting to take CoD back up to that visual fidelity that wow’s again (many of the rendered in game scenes look so real they look nearly live action), to the detailed and fun mission maps, the varied choices in an rpg-lite feel, the wild and crazy mind trip level with soulslike bosses, and the kick butt classic CoD fighting waves of soldiers we’ve come to love. All that with a story that actually seems pretty good too.
I wasn’t a huge fan of Cold War or the Modern Warfare 1/2 remakes but they were alright. This takes it all up a notch like Black Ops did back in the day man!
It’s just worth it. And the ending when the credits roll feels good. Also the pvp seems fast paced and wild and crazy I might go do a bit more of it, but the maps imo still leaves a bit to be desired. Was always fun being in those crazy maps like nuke town or anything that has a good flow and feel to it.