That Arthas shot from the new animated shorts

His arc was well-done but as a character he was annoying for basically the entire time.

That aside, his arc being well done should be an argument against wanting him back, not for. I don’t feel like they’re going to catch lightening in the bottle twice.

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But Draka never drank the demons blood. Wasn’t the Frostwolf clan who denied it?

Draka, I believe. Thrall’s Mother.

She crossed the Dark Portal to remain with her Husband, and when the Frostwolves were betrayed she survived their near extermination, was separated from the main group who evaded capture/death, but was hounded down by assassins sent by Gul’Dan. She eventually killed many(all while carrying baby Thrall), but was overcome by injuries, and set him afloat upon a river to draw the remaining assassins away from him while she fought a last stand.

Thrall was eventually found by what’s his face the Lord of Durnholde and raised as a slave/gladiator in the internment camps there.

When I look at this image

They kinda said something along those lines in one of the interviews a few months back–

Arthas in Shadowlands?

  • Won’t answer directly - just focusing on the best story possible.
  • Arthas is a fundamental character to the Warcraft IP and they didn’t want to use him in an offhand way to cheapen his storyline.
  • “We want to do the right thing by him.”

Makes me wonder if he will or will not appear at all in the expansion. I am leaning towards he will given he got a new model in BFA used in the Jaina Cinematic “Realm of Torment”

I don’t know, I was never a huge Arthas fan though I will defend his storyline and lament what happened to Garrosh and Sylvanas but I could take or leave him in Shadowlands.

He shouldn’t appear at all in Shadowlands. He had his time, his story and arc are done. Bringing him back will serve nothing and will only be used as nostalgia bait for the sake of it. He’s done. Let that sleeping dog lie. Write some new characters or flesh out others who need it more.

I like your theory, though it does raise some question about duplicated people like Gul’dan. Are there two Gul’dans in Shadowlands, or did they merge upon their death?

The Death Knight orderhall campaign somewhat confirms the Shadowlands crosses alternate universes.

As one of the souls you need to collect for your horsemen storyline is a boss from AU Draenor. This crucial bit of lore is relegated to war table text.

Wait, what? Who?

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Soulbinder Nyami.

The Draenei priest who betrays you in Warlords and is a boss in the Auchindoun dungeon.