Thanks to all the new alliance xfers for ruining the server for us

Getting locked down sucks, especially when you only have limited time to play (something I know a lot about). But it is part of life on a pvp server. Another option is find a guild that doesn’t tolerate its lowbies being ganged. There are guilds that keep kos lists and gankers learn to avoid lowbies with those tags. With all the transfers things are kind of messy with guilds right now but it will settle. As I said above our pvp server community is only in its developing stages.
Fwiw I’m probably pretty screwed starting tomorrow when I become a lowbie again becaused I’ve pissed a lot of people off this week :D.

I was unable to do RoB all weekend because of horde camping it. 70’s literally sitting there doing nothing but waiting for alliance groups to show up. Quit whining, this is still a horde server in terms of straight numbers.

dang that’s a long time to hold on to that lol. Lot to unpack here!

You appear to be under the impression that I approve of it when Horde players do it…?

I mean, if you’re complaining about people camping players on a PvP server… But yes I know. I don’t gank people, but I do laugh when I see people complaining about it. The more things change, the more they stay the same haha It’s the classic experience before there was warmode that you could toggle on or off if you wanted to.

I’m sure things have cleared out by now. With no sharding or shared tags, it made it hard to get quests done since EVERYONE was doing it too. I just don’t really have much sympathy for people complaining about stuff that could be avoided.

Sounds like you’d probably have more fun on a PvE server. Personally, I know what I signed up for when I play on PvP servers but it’s part of the fun. Having all out WARS around summoning stones is a memory I am trying to recapture here on Classic. That comes with being ganked from time to time and doing the ganking myself on other occasions :). Cheers!