Thanks for this Blizz (story raids)

I don’t even know where to start with this. Who said anything about not having things to do after the story’s done? There will be lots of grinding and delves and dungeons and world content. This is about CONSUMING THE LEVELING UP STORY only.

Again, slow it down, mix it up. You can hit level 80 without finishing the story. Happens to me all the time.

Again, slow down the rate at which you consume the story if you’re worried about waiting for a final chapter

This is cool, I guess, but I wouldn’t wait 3-4 weeks to see the story unfold. I’d just go to YT and watch it s1 week 1.


Or Wowhead. Or MMOC. Everyone will have videos about the end of the story and what happens inside the raid.

How does Blizzard want its players who don’t raid to experience the end of the story? In the absence of the story mode not opening until the last wing of LFR, it’ll be through watching videos, not waiting for it to open.


Give it a rest, you are talking about something completely different than we are. No one needs your advice on how to play the game.


TBH, it’s getting worse, actually, and I actually predicted this years before it came home to roost.

Even day one is considered late to the party by some of this playerbase now; there are (still a minority, I’m sure, but it’s a common enough phenomenon to be noticeable, and doubtless to affect the rate at which spoilers are just expected to spread as a c’est la vie matter at least) a fair number of groups where you are even expected to have cut your teeth on the content when it was in PTR, not even to expect to get your first warmups in on live release day.

And yep, I vividly remember back in Legion seeing how absurdly fast LFG was already asking for Deceiver’s Fall achievements when Tomb dropped and thinking very much on the lines of “OMFG WTF, we haven’t even had our first raid night of the week as a guild yet (my guild at the time raided Weds/Fri) and LFG expects people to have full clears already? How long before even day one isn’t enough and you’re expected to have PTR exp?” I hate it when I’m right this often with predictions that then I look back and realize that no one took it seriously at the time or even thought I was trolling.

My guess in that regard is consumable and repair costs have finally ballooned to enough of an elephant in the room in that regard (and it’s not like those LFR wipes are that much cheaper than serious raider wipes, which is why getting gold instead of loot always feels like such a slap in the face of a “reward” … much of the time it won’t even cover one wipe’s worth of repairs) - not to mention that LFR raiders are really, practically speaking, the only ones that actually have the luxury of attempting to avoid being spoiled in the first place (that’s forced upon you by the expected responsibility to watch a guide - probably made by one of those kinda guys who has been accustomed to clear exp being something you get on PTR for years now - before you even start) :frowning:

Man, since story mode is 1-5 player party size, maybe we’ll see Story+ in the future, so all the people that hate timers can experience challenging 5 man content. Story+ would obviously require a full 5 player party.

You do if you clearly don’t know how to handle the situation.


thanks for this adition to the game! that being said,why isnt it possible for this story dificulty to be added in the launch of the raid? story players would apriciate not have to wait a month for somehing that is story content and not competitive stuff


Probably to allow you to actually do the story in sequence instead of doing the story mode and seeing the end of the story before you actually start said story.

they’re afraid customers who do story mode will have finished the game (true) and that’s the last seen of them…

If this is indeed just the final boss of the raid and not a full story mode clear of the whole experience, it severely reduces my excitement and interest for this “mode.”


But that’s not how things work out. No one hung around for 4-6 weeks playing the game just so that LFR would open up and they could see one or two bosses and then quit. No one. That would mean there’s nothing else to do in the game; there’s plenty.

We just want the story mode to be available at the launch of the raid, instead of an arbitrary timegate, so that we could end the story there. The story, not game play. No one is asking for the ability to skip over the rest of the story; story mode in the raid would inherently be available only if you’ve done everything up to that story beat. It’s an artificial timegating that has no point whatsoever.

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I agree with you, just stating my take on their motivation for the delay…

love to finish a zone, all the dungeons and do story mode for the entire raid then go do something else, maybe in game, maybe not…

They are doing that, since it sounds like this is only the final boss.

Yeah. I re-read the blue post and that seems to be what they are saying. I really hope that isn’t the case as that would not be a “mode” and more just a scenario. I am holding onto a small hope that this will still be a full all-boss clearing experience and not just the final boss.

One can also make the argument that them timegating wings of LFR is also pretty stupid.

Nobody extends their time in-game because of LFR wings being timegated. They do it because they either have many things to do, or they don’t. In fact, for some of us, the fact that LFR is so drawn out, it actually lessens are desire to do it in the first place. By the time the last boss comes out, I’m kind of over it anyway, so I just do my other stuff.

Everything should open at the very same time, and it’s a bad call on the part of the game designers that they don’t.

Time gated story content for the people who probably care more about the story content than most raiders.



It’s a welcome addition. I literally to this day can’t figure out half the story in BFA because so many cutscenes, characters and events were tied to raid completion. Even trying to watch them in order on Youtube didn’t help, and now some of that story is actually becoming relevant in the next expac (and I still don’t understand who Xal’atath was and why we suddenly found her dagger…or her as a dagger…whatever that stupid questline was). DF isn’t much better but there’s less story and fewer cutscenes.