Thanks for the Wreath and the Raptor

Can I have your gold, please? :upside_down_face:

The gifts are cool :smiley: Just wish I could have had a shot with the stolen gifts on characters under level 60. :woozy_face:

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I won’t bore you with a wall of text. Proceeds to bore us with a wall of text.

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I’m just a noob, so maybe a lot is going over my head, but I’m enjoying the game quite a bit now. What would you consider as the high point of the game for you?

tldr version please sorry.

Cya later alligator.

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This expansion is so vapid and incomplete, it doesn’t hold water and crumbles under the slightest scruitiny. Also, Player screams about Pirate Hats for 5 minutes before Unsubscribing. Proceeds to realize he has entire month after unsubscribing.

I was expecting more of this. mildly dissappointed it was only you so far. take my upvote and leave.

Well… My personal High point. I started around the crack-end of WotLK, and my first character was a Marksman Hunter/Engineer, back when you could use Gold to train levels of your characters abilities (not professions, actual class abilities), and craft your own ammo. And Guns required Ammo, Bows Arrows, You get the idea.

I leveled my Engineering to 300, and was able to craft my own Flying Machine. I diligently gathered the recourses I needed for it, Crafted the parts, and was able to make my Flying machine! The first time I used it… Spellbinding.

“In keeping with the Pirate theme of my Outlaw Rogue, Ye can have me Plunder when Ye find me Ya Smarmy Sonofa-So-and-so! No, Ye cannot Friend me, and No, Ye cannot slip into my DMs, and NO, you cannot invite me to group up!”

Okay, this one’s a bit dicey, but in order:

There are two.

  • Alrighty then. Can I get a Mailbox count for:
    Dalaran, Crystalsong Forest
    Shrine of the Seven Stars, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
    Shrine of the Two Moons, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
    Warspear, Ashran
    Stormshield, Ashran
    And Dalaran, Broken Isles?

I just got 2100g from that “Joke”

  • And what did that get you? a stack of meat for cooking?

And we’ve been waiting for glasses while we watch NPCs run around with them, too.

  • It kinda takes the piss that you introduce a feature like Transmogrification, and you can’t implement it properly.

It’s the same way for other MMOs I play.

I’ve become slowly disenfranchised with World of Warcraft, and feel that the Forums are no longer a place for constructive feedback, and are merely another playground for subscribers. Trolling, complaining, and raging are the end-game metas here.

After a long while, Crocodile.

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Also, FYI about the raptor:

“I got the plain one, and can’t learn more. So there’s two models, you don’t know what it is til you learn it, then you are stuck with it - can’t cage, can’t trade, etc. It stays the plain one with each summon so it doesn’t change with that either.”

Wait, what?

I was talking about Jingles, the Christmas Raptor that was clearly a leftover asset from BFA that was never implemented.

I am talking about Jingles. He’s bugged right now. He’s supposed to be wearing a wreath around his neck. Most people are getting a plain raptor pet and it’s also Unnamed and battle stones don’t work on it.


I hadn’t read about it on Wowhead, and had no idea they were bugged. Still, I’m chaotic-indifferent to my new Raptor pet.

Yeah, I played Classic and I really like the system of having to buy skills and using ammo! I guess people call it micro-managing but I like it, adds some extra value to what you’re doing.

I guess most of the values now have shifted towards the collection system, like mounts, battle pets, transmog, etc. I personally like collecting things, one of the things that push me to do stuff, like I wouldn’t be doing PvP if it wasn’t for that cool armor and mount you could get lol

Then there’s also RP for me, which I guess keeps me from complaining too much even when something is seriously broken, like yeah, the older systems you describe sound badass and I would like them back, but I guess I see some shiney keys jingling and I’m good lmao

I hope at some point you either find joy in the game again or they make some changes you like, it’s always sad to walk away from a game you love, I hope you have a nice Winter Veil though!

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Just putting this here so others know. There’s a thread about it in Bug Reports as well.

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why do you want them to add MORE stuff, when there’s a ton of stuff which you currently don’t have?

it’s already there.
go get it.
stop waiting for things to be handed to you.


not everyone has access to mummys credit card.

…and at this point, i’ve decided you’re just trolling.

“I won’t bore you with a wall of text”

Types in wall of text

I feel betrayed


While I might somewhat slightly agree the expansion is incomplete and there are things that should have already been done i.e Covenant hearthstone being actually a hearthstone to your covenant area…

I do think it’s pretty good overall, it’s kept me busy for this month. I can see it becoming a bit tedious if it continues in this fashion for another month, so I just suggest wait it out and see what happens.

I’m the first one to comment if something isn’t right or if something sucks tbh, I haven’t yet. I’m just casually enjoying my merry time cruising along, no need to go nuts.

there’s already an ability to return to your covenant.

I think Collections were the start of when things were kinda going sideways for me.

Before Collections, There was a broader market for things like the Mekengineer’s Chopper, or the Vial of the Sands, because You were crafting them for the individual characters buying them, not the players. After collections, it kinda shrinked the market to new players or collectors. Then they screwed with ammo.

At this point, in the game, I’ll be most happy when Blizz actually puts these in the game, and commit more to the Highwayman/Pirate Fantasy of Outlaw Rogues,

Or at the very least make the First Mate Hat Cosmetic,

And I finally get Mimeron’s Head after making Head-Runs on all of my Max level toons. Wanted that mount since I first saw it!

In fairness though 1-2k a day is like nothing. It’s equivalent to like 10g in classic wow. You can farm leather for 30 minutes and immediately make 10-15x or more than that already; nevermind doing those dailies literally take like 15-30 minutes. Difference is just killing mobs and farming leather might yield you a BoE epic of 200+ ilvl (which it did for me).

And you’ve got severe problems when you can farm a WoW token’s worth of gold by farming leather for less than an hour in any given region in Shadowlands (as this knowledge gets more and more mainstream, how much yall wanna bet they nerf profession gathering?). I get the prerogative is to buy if you don’t want to farm something for an hour but this is a whole other problem of its own. There are guidls clearing Nathria at higher difficulty and they literally have 500 million gold. They can afk in raid, mythic+ runs, or pvp and get boosted to max ratings/gear/etc etc. ALl the people arguing about how time gating is good for the game? All their arguments fall flat. The whole purpose of time gating it this harshly is only 1 reason; getting suckers who blindly defend it to pay more in subscription money; there’s nothing wrong with making money in a game but when you intentionally gimp your content to drag out subscription pay, you’re not making a good game.
World first means nothing. This game is not even that hard; all the people going “Clear mythic Nathria, get 1800 rating” are idiots because again you can just afk through it all after buying WoW token and get everything cleared. Blizzard has literally made WoW, the king of MMORPG, into a cheap Chinese p2w MMORPG reskinned as WoW.

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I don’t even know anymore. I’m frustrated, complaining, and know it ultimately means nothing in the grand scheme of things. So yes, To you, I’m trolling you. top kek.

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