Thanks for the changes to Fury

Thanks for the changes to Fury

Why are you thanking them for table scraps, we are still effectively the worst dps spec in the game. The buffs are trash.


If you were expecting a class rework this late in the expansion idk what to tell you but the buffs will have a good impact. A total damage buff, and a sizable buff to both our 2 set and 4. Sure, we are not going to be #1 damage, but this will go a long way.

That’s not what I said. The buffs are clearly too small to matter, a 2.2% overall buff when we’re that far behind doesn’t fix how poorly fury is doing atm.


How do you arrive at a 2.2% overall when we got a 3% damage buff to all of our abilities, not even considering the 2/4 set buffs. That doesn’t even make sense.

Aura buffs don’t effect auto-attack, trinkets, fyr’alath, embellishments, vault rings, enchants. That’s how it comes out to less than the aura buff itself.

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Alot of damage might come from other sources, legendary, trinkets, helm enchant, embellishments, auto attack etc etc.

No one exepcts this but these buffs aren’t worth a thank you lmao. Xpac is basically over and even with a mf legendary weapon we are in the bottom of the hole. Fury need an OP rework like shadowpriest and mages for Blizzard to consider making It a decent Spec, there’s a whole xpac coming and a whole YEAR for them to make It happen, instead they made hero talents for some hype.

I got ksm using season 3 fury set and i was able to get the token for s4 set. S4 fury is awful. Fun fact, at 510 ilevel i was simming higher with season 4 tier running sseason 3 talents than the recommended season 4 talents for m+. S4 rotation and talents are a total mess. Ravager feels terrible to use. I immediately switched to arms and only plan to raid log on thus toon for the rest of the season. The top arms single target parses this season are around 100k dps over fury. Its a total joke. Switching to an alt for the rest of the season.


I’d say careful on parses. There’s a lot of factors that go into that, especially kill time.

Last I simmed pre-buff to Fury’s new set, it was 310k on S3 Fury, 305k on S4(S2) Fury, and 338k on Arms S4(S1) for 5 minutes with the gear I had.

An additional note is that I have 489 4-set, 489 Brand, and 528 Ashkhandur, even, and those are not enough to bring Fury out of the gutter. These buffs won’t move the needle, but I guess you can play the new set. If you play it well, you get the survival, but lose a lot of other useful utility points, such as priority damage, Execute DPS, and better burst cycles.

I’ve played all 3 setups for M+, and while S3 gives survival, there’s no inherit benefit to playing S4 Fury over Arms right now. Slightly higher survival capacity, but Arms just deals so much better AoE damage, more often, and even safer by having some range attached to its cleave/AoE abilities.

Sims showing a 4-5% overall damage increase for both AoE and ST with the buffs that went live today.