Thanks For The Carry!

So, when I look at my total mounts on different characters, the number changes because different character have different amounts of usable mounts. I have 508 on my warlock, but when I look at the new 500 mounts achievement, it says I only have 471 mounts usable by a single character. What am I doing wrong? Is it bugged, or does the number not mean what I thought it meant? I worked my butt off to get over 500 mounts and I don’t actually have over 500 mounts?


Same with me, I had 503 showing on my DK in Mount selection, but when I go to the achievement tab, it shows 470 on all my 60s.


there has been an issue i’ve heard about with this list not updating properly. If you have a paladin at max level, try logging onto them. That should refresh the list. No idea why that works but i’ve had several people say it does.

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yes, the number in the mount tab “total collected” does not mean what you think it means. that is why it says “usable by a single character”
Previously, you could check the amount of mounts that would count towards achieve in the character statistics page (under gear, of all things) but blizz for some reason removed that a couple years ago.
total mounts collected includes things like opposite faction mounts that you have collected but can’t actually use, etc.
I have manually filtered mounts on my wowhead account (i have 53 that don’t count for achieve) to keep track of my numbers

I was under impression that armory Mounts was only showing usable by that character when selecting Mounts Collected?

The Paladin workaround definitely worked for me. 300-mount Achievement was showing 282 collected. Level 60 Mage got another mount, but Achieve still showing just 282, even after re-logging. Logged onto a 60 Paladin, then back to Mage, and she now has 283.

Would you be willing to share how you do that? wowhead shows my DK with 505 mounts after loading my character but the in game achieve bar only shows 460. Thank you.

Some classes have more mounts than others, notably Pallies and Warlocks. The achievement is trying to show the highest total any of your characters have.

So as an example, suppose most of your characters have 100 mounts, your Pally might have 102 because of the extra class mounts. The achievement shows 102 on all your toons. You learn a new mount on one of your other characters, they can now use 101 - but that won’t bump the count because it isn’t more than the old Pally count. But you log in to the Pally and he can now use 103, which then bumps the count.

It’s a bit of a kludge but it’s the only way to do it without your greatly increasing all your characters’ ability to see all your other characters’ stats which would be a big performance drag.


When I filter out the unusable mounts on wowhead my count doesn’t change… how did you get filtering to work to show the correct number for the achievement?

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Same question with same issue. Maybe Im dumb but this is confusing, the mount count on mount selection screen should match USABLE mounts to prevent this kind of confusion, on my part anyway.

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Thanks! This has been driving me crazy trying to figure out WTF is going on with my Achievement pet counts. Makes sense, I guess, in a sort of screwy way. Been weird, a character adds a new mount, looks at the 300-mount Lord of the Reins achievement and count is unchanged. Log onto my Paladin, who doesn’t have to do anything but now achieve count is now updated on everybody.

Was wondering how an account without a Paladin got around this, but realized that without one contributing to mount count, is no problem.

Also, I have learned 4 new mounts and none of them have counted towards the achievement on ANY character… make this make sense to me.


I have 509 useable mounts on my warlock. 508 on my hunter. The way this achievement has always worked in the past is that as long as that number is higher than the requirement, you get the achievement. Why it’s telling me I only have 463 I do not know and I’m not happy about it

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I am in the same spot! Stuck on 472 even when I have achieved more mounts… nothing changes!

Many mounts do not count toward the achieve. How can you tell which ones? You can’t! Locks and Pallies will always show more due to the class mounts which DO count toward the achieve.

I did not know about this “paladin fix”, but I do recall that many days after my collections UI said I had 560 total mounts with no achievement (the achievement whad been stuck at 470-something for over a year), I logged onto my paladin and BAM! instantly got the 500 mount achievement. So, yeah, this works. No idea why.

The mount collection without any addon help shows your “total” mounts collected, including all unusable mounts that are opposite faction mirrors or class mounts that your current character can’t use. The achievement meanwhile requires the count of mounts to be “usable on a single character”.

Paladins are the best to achieve this since they have the highest count of possible mounts usable on a single character, so that’s typically the suggestion for catching up the achievement count.

I’d recommend the addon “Mount Journal Enhanced” if you’re curious as to the distinction between these numbers, as it will show you both your total journal count as well as “usable on this character” count.

So how is it when you get NEW mounts say like 2 or 3 more… and you are still stuck at the same number on all the toons you log into? Why? It is bugged IMO.


To answer the paladin question.

Paladins get two class mounts. Slow ground and fast ground. If you do the class hall quest in legion they obtain 4 more class mounts at the end of the class hall campaign. For a total of 6 class mounts. So that character will have 6 more than any other character on your account.

Warlocks have two without the class hall. Again slow and fast ground mounts. With the class hall they obtain 2 more for a total of 4.

There are things like horde/allie only mounts. Which will show in the total mounts collected, but cannot be used cross faction. The same with all the class hall mounts. They will show in total collected, but they are only useable by said classes. I believe with each class that is 12 plus 1 more for warlocks and 3 more for paladins for a total of 16 that you can collect, but still not useable by all classes. Then the silly bug mounts from silithus dungeon. Again counts in total mounts, but does not count towards useable. Only guess is that they cannot be used all the time… maybe?

Resurrecting this thread because this is still a problem. It looks like the tracker failed to count any of the mounts acquired in Remix. There’s absolutely no reason for this to be so ridiculously complicated.